Getting around smart

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August 12th 2005
Published: August 13th 2005
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Okay, the first part of this story is actually going to be informative for other travelers. Conrad and I have now totally figured out the tricks and tips of getting around Bangkok……cheap. It was of course trial and error, as no one seems to be able to tell you which bus which train etc……it’s all guess work. Here it is though. Use the Skytrain. This will get you anywhere, or closer then you are. The skytrain connects to the underground subway, as well as the northern and southern bus terminals. If you are going to make multiple stops, buy an all day pass for 100 baht (about $3). This allows you to get on and off and all over Bangkok all day long. If you are heading to any of the touristy places like the croc farm or Dream World, (which is very cool, basically a miniature of DisneyLand), but these places are 1 -2 hours out of Bangkok, tour agents will charge you 1500 baht for a round trip per person, which is about 30 bucks, sounds cheap, but listen to this. If you take the Skytrain to the victory monument station (30 baht), you cross over to the right of the station where there is a small market. Hidden in here are a bunch of stinky vans. These vans will take you anywhere for 30 baht. Now they are not really comfy as they seat 15 people including the driver, yes this is a van. They also smell funny and are very squishy, but get you where you are going really really cheap. Basically, if these guys take you to any tourist destination, they get a kickback so it is worth it to them. Plus, you do have the inconvenience if you are the first in the van of waiting for it to fill up. But you know, all in all for a round trip cost of 120 baht (3 bucks) to travel over an hour out of town, well worth it. Next tip, when you travel the river taxis on the canal, you will be attacked by tour guides and operators that seem very official and tell you you need to purchase a boat ticket for 100 baht. Not true. This ticket allows you on and off the boat as many times as you want, but I can’t believe that you would get of the boat more than once or twice. Instead, get on the tourist boat with no ticket, and the guy will come around and collect your fare, which is only 18 baht. Ha, and for this you can stay on the boat forever. You will pay again to get back, only 18 baht. Awesome deal. This is the route to the Grand Palace, no tour agent needed. Total cost, Skytrain 60 baht return, boat 36 baht return, entrance fee to the palace if you are not Thai, (Thai’s do not pay), 200 baht. Total cost of the the trip, 296 baht, or about 9 dollars. Tour cost from our hotel, or most hotels 1200 baht or 30 bucks. Whew, way to save. Plus, the public transit is fun and full of the hustle and bustle of Bangkok. Whew. Okay, today is Saturday, and the day to order Jesse’s suit. Unfortunately, we have not heard from Jesse so can’t really say what his measurements are, but will do our best. If we want the suit ready in time we must do this today. Conrad is still sleeping as he got worn out yesterday. We were up early and off to the Palace, several Wats, then I let him back to the hotel for 1 hour of rest, and we were back on the train to the PatPong night market. Wow, amazing. So many people. We spent a lot of money, but we got a lot of stuff. We were there until almost 11 and realized we had not had dinner yet. Can you say starving. So were off to eat. I have become addicted to Thai cashew chicken and eat it daily. Tomorrow we are going to the huge weekend market where we will finish our shopping. Final requests will be accepted. I will check email early tomorrow. Karen, what would you like. Anyhow, that is my story for now. Off to wake Conrad and go to the suit shop.


13th August 2005

best yet
well that's a nice letter i cancelled the ambulance. But I don't think I have any plans of visiting thailand. I'll stick to Mexico, and USA. see you when you get home. Kyle was 16 on Wed. went to Tony Roma's. MOM

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