First Days!

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February 20th 2007
Published: February 20th 2007
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Ok so we have arrived here safe and sound! Well almost safe and sound but that story can be left for when we get home!
Hopefully most of you have received our email we sent earlier telling you more fo the details!
In brief we have just been site seeing mostly. We went to see some temples and things this morning which were pretty cool.....also experienced our first tuc tuc ride which was completely insane but great fun! We reckon they should get some outside palace on a saturday night. That ride home would certainly sober you up! hehe
We also went shopping down koh san road.......dirt cheap and george is officially the bartering king!.....but again completely insane, especially at night!
We are heading off to an island 2moz with a friend to work on the tan and chill on some beaches before heading back here to the rat race! Its hard to keep up here, everything is so fast!
We have taken a few photos but not been able to upload them yet, hopefully will be able to do that maybe saturday! Give you all an insight of this crazy place!
Hope you are all well, please do leave us some comments, at the mo we don't reckon anyone has noticed we have gone! haha - yeah rite how can you not know george is gone!
Well speak to you soon as time is ticking! One last thing though, just to clear up a debate we have been having today......
......if you didn't know flip flops were called flip flops, what sound do you reckon they make?! I said blip blop and george said something completely rediculous, so please clear it up someone! thanks hehe
Keep in touch!
Ems and George x


20th February 2007

Talk about the place being insane, you 2 have already gone insane debating things like flip flops or blip blops already on your trip - believe me it gets worse!! Glad you're having a good time, i just wanna be back there, it honestly is the craziest place i've ever been - love it!! George - i hear you already have been offered 'ping pong' - he he!! Hope you guys have a rfelaxing time on the island, its a complete contrast to bangkok!! love to you both!! tracey xxx
22nd February 2007

flip flops
id have 2call them slap slaps!! sounds like ur avin an awesome time! i wanna go 2that market! sounds like Primark on acid! lol

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