Finally made it!

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February 20th 2007
Published: February 20th 2007
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Hi All

Well we have finally made it! its a bit hot here, around 33 degrees.
Umm, dont really know how to begin. The flight was ok, there was a slight delay when one passenger decided to get off the plane, leaving the staff to find his bag. I slept most of the way which was good.
First evening in Bangkok, found the hotel, which is suprisingly good considering its 4 quid a night. Its hot, busy and smelly on the streets, with every motor vehicle trying to mow us down! had dinner of egg noodles with chicken. (And a Thai beer)

Today (Its my Birthday!) we went to one Bubba statue which was a bit boring, it wasnt the one i was hoping to see. We then went to a Thai travel agent to book our night train to Ko Samui. This is where it all went wrong! because of Chinese New Year the train was booked and the majority of hotels etc were booked. We had to pay an arm and a leg to get a seat on the train and accommodation the other side. But its all done. We have train tickets and all transfers to and from the hotels. We also have a flight form Phuket to Singapore because it is too dangerous to travel down through the country. Although we are backpacking, by the look of the hotels we are far from slumming it! the Hotel in Phuket is apparently 6 star!

Tomorrow we are headed towards the Grand Palace and some other place i cant spell.
All is going relatively well, though i have already maxed out my Credit card! (i had to pay for the others train tickets) I shall right again soon.

Love Kate x.


23rd February 2007

Evening Kate (and Gang), Thought I would be the first to say hi, glad you got there in one piece. Always a good start!! Will send the Orion pic to work, I am sure that it will figure in tomorrow's little session. Anyway, have fun and, as they say, don't do anyone I wouldn't do :-).
12th March 2007

Jobs going with Chubb
Cubbies are missing James - please send him home! Tell him there is a supervisors job going if he is interested??? The boy needs stability in his life and not all this excitement..........!!!

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