Bangkok baby

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January 19th 2007
Published: February 7th 2007
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Right so i was staying at this crappy hotel on khao san road having a pretty rough time (don't worry, it turns around), i got pretty homesick, got very dehydrated and ate like one meal a day. I took these rehydration salts, iv'e gotta say they are the foulest things iv'e ever tasted and they helped a bit, but i was so dehydrated at one point that i was almost delerious, all dizzy and blurry (a bit like being pissed, but less fun) and in this haze while i was scrambling around my rucksack looking for these salts i somehow changed the combination of the lock on the bottom of my rucksack, and to this date i haven't been able to get it open.

Anyway khao san road, what a place to visit first, extremely busy, so busy that i got really lost on my first night, which is impressive considering it's just one long straight road. I kept getting pulled aside by pimps and tuk tuk drivers so i ended up just walking back and forth until i found my hotel again.

So things are looking pretty wank at this point, but don't fret, this is were it starts to turn around! on my third morning in Bangkok i checked out of the sawasdee hotel and into the new world lodge where i would begin my tour through Asia. I was in my room for like 10 minutes before i met my roomate, a 21 year old plumber from london called Chris. He was really freindly and introduced me to the other two guys he was travelling with called Charlie and Terry, both also from London.
So that night we went out for some drinks and that's where i discovered 'The Bucket'. Thai whiskey, coke, Samsung beer, and red bull syrup so strong that it's illegal outside of Thailand. They're awesome.
So we ended up getting very drunk and trying to find a club with a couple of these girls from birmingham (It should be pointed out here that Charlie is ripped beyond belief, so to girls i am technically invisible when stood next to him). We hailed a couple of Tuk Tuks (like a 3 wheeled motorbike with a bench stuck on the back and a roof on the top) outside the bar at about 2 in the morning to try and find a club, there were no other cars on the street at this point so the Tuk Tuks were at full speed of about 50 mph (bear in mind there are no seat belts or walls to this thing) and the driver kept popping wheelies, which was awesome.

Yeah so the next day we met our tour leader, a 30 ish aussie woman named Sharn and we started the tour.


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