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January 20th 2007
Published: January 20th 2007
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Indian ResturantIndian ResturantIndian Resturant

Benders and Bhaji's
So here we go, our first proper blog for the trip.

We got to Heathrow and thought we'd try and blag a free upgrade, heard about it loads of times but have never actually done it, unfortunately we got told we were'nt even sitting together. The man said he would see what he could do though. Got to the departure gate to find that not only had we been given seats together...we had also been upgraded!!!!
Had loads of leg room, wine with the meal and free booze all the way 😊 Lets hope the rest of the trip goes the same way.

After an 11hr flight in relative comfort (still a pain in the arse though) we finally got to Bangkok and 3hrs later we got to our guest house (local time 6pm). Thought it best not to sleep although we were dying to (30+ hrs awake), so decided to explore Khoa San Road (backpacker central). It’s a crazy place with stall after stall of knock off gear and street vendors selling a variety of fried questionable meats. After a couple of hours tried some PAD THAI NOODLES which were dead tasty with no bad after
Grand Palace 1Grand Palace 1Grand Palace 1

Just the 2 of us
effects THANK GOD!!. On the way back stumbled across an Indian restaurant with a name you wouldn’t get away with in England (See Picture)..

Next day went to do some sight seeing 1st stop GRAND PALACE nice place… loads of gold. 2nd stop Wat Pho (a Wat is a temple btw) this is home to the largest reclining Buddha in Thailand and to be fair it’s massive at 46m. Only did two stops that day as it is absolutely boiling, caught a TUK TUK back to our place and lounged in the pool for a bit. That night we went out for some local cuisine. Victoria had a Thai Green Curry and I had slime and chicken (no that’s not a spelling mistake).

Our 3rd day went to the pier and hired a long tail boat for the hour, which took us on a tour of one of the canals off the CHAO PHRAYA RIVER. All in all a good laugh and even got to feed some river catfish with bread (they eat it right out of your hands). One little bugger got us soaking wet. We ended up having to buy the obligatory souvenir from the boat
Slime and ChickenSlime and ChickenSlime and Chicken

It was dead slimey
sellers that paddle over the second your boat slows down. Finished the afternoon in the pool again then went out for a really nice meal on the riverside (Supatra Riverhouse) which after dinner had a free Thai cultural show . Came back a little bit early to write this blog as tomorrow we are off to find some sleaze in Pattaya.

Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


Grand Palace 2Grand Palace 2
Grand Palace 2

One for Victoria's Dad
Grand Palace 3Grand Palace 3
Grand Palace 3

The arty shot!
Worst Dressed ManWorst Dressed Man
Worst Dressed Man

What was he thinking????
Wat PhoWat Pho
Wat Pho

The reclining Buddha
The Dog'sThe Dog's
The Dog's

Saw this little fella at Wat Pho. Think he agreed it was the mutts nuts!
Long Tail BoatLong Tail Boat
Long Tail Boat

Taken by the captain!

Here Kitty Kitty
Woman on RiverWoman on River
Woman on River

Just thought it was a nice pic!

20th January 2007

Great Entry!
Great pictures! Great itinirary, maybe a little more info about the thai people you encountered. Keep those entries coming.
24th January 2007

Russell is fat
Sounds really great!!! You lucky dog!! Did you get an upgrade because Russell was too fat to sit in economy, and needed two seats? Also, it sounds like you are eating your way around Thailand!! More info on lady boys, and fried dog etc etc. Having said all that it does look and sound cool. Look forward to the next installment of what Russell ate next!! Lots of love Sally and Scott
29th January 2007

love your pics!!
hi vicky and russ yh your pics are totally vick anyway i am missing you loads and thanks for the card i am checking this whenever i have the chance. love you and missing you already katie-beth

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