Photos from Taipei, Taiwan, Asia - page 6

Unrated | High Rated (2.5)
River containing many mining minerals
The peak #noviews
The tradition of burning paper
Your a beauty taipei 101
Beautiful views of coastline of Taipei
Hiking in Yangmingshan National Park
The city of Jiufen
Lovely waterfall
Lovely Longshan
Ceremonial guards
Longshan interior
Taipei temple
Longshan temple
Parliament building
Park gate
Lovely park
Nice statue
Central Tamsui
Old Street
Elegant restaurant
Walking path
Lovely street
Street market
Central Taipei
Taipei 101
Sun set
Hot thermal water (about 60C)
Cherry blossom
Sweet potato
Hot water foot spa
6 dogs!
We were on this Hello Kitty train
On the bus to the airport
Taiwan must: enjoy bubble tea
Tanya looking cute on the Year of the Dog statue
Flight time
貓空 gondolas
Taipei 101
小籠包 Soup dumplings from Din Tai Fung
View of Taipei
Mirrors on the floor and ceiling makes for fun pics
Night market 珍珠奶茶
士林夜市 Shilin Night Market
Free umbrellas
Lovely boxes of tea
Longsham temple
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