Random stuff in Taiwan

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February 3rd 2009
Published: February 4th 2009
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Hiking in the Gorge
So I havent been adding to this at all - whoops. Thought I would give it a try as I still have 20 mins of battery life left on the laptop Sean bought (Can you even believe he bought something?! Its so weird and fantastic all at the same time).

A random thing happened when we picked up the laptop though, a bunch of people dressed up as Chinese dragons and a guy in a mask (I cant think of the word for it...) but Ill just say priest...but not a normal priest. They came into the store parading around giving out candy. it was so cool, I only wish we had the camera!!! We were told that it was to bring good luck to the store since it was just chinese new years and they just re-opened. We were pretty lucky to see it I think.

Hrmm...today we plan on doing a day trip to Wulai which should be pretty amazing. Do some hiking trails. Ill let you know how that goes. Other than that not much to say. Our main goal usually everyday is to find something we can eat!! We found a subway yesterday which was exciting. But to be fair we did try local cuisine for lunch yesterday, and it wasnt bad - just beef in some sauce with rice. It was good, but Id rather have subway 😊 Hopefully we grow to love the food - it would be cheaper!!

Thats all I have for now, I will report on Wulai later :D

Take care!!


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