Rachel's Rules for using public transportation

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March 3rd 2007
Published: March 7th 2007
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****This is meant to be funny.....not serious.****

For a while now I have wanted to address the issue of etiquette on all forms of transportation. This does not specifically apply to Taiwan but to a number of countries and places. There are a number of unspoken etiquette rules for taking transportation but APPARENTLY some people must have missed the memo, thus these are my suggestions for solving the problem and making traveling a little more pleasant for everyone involved.

Rachel's Rules for Traveling on various types of transportation.

1. Do NOT scream, talk loudly, or laugh when taking any form of overnight transportation, there is a possibilty others may be sleeping and they do not want to hear you obnoxious voice. If this does happen you should fully expect someone to tell you to shut up and give you dirty looks for the remainder of the trip.

2. Do NOT bring large, annoying inflatable toys on the MRT and proceed to hit your friends while laughing and talking very loudly. Nobody wants to see you do this and you are disrupting the peace on the MRT. Please exit at the next station to avoid any harm that may be directed in you way if you continue this behavior.

3. Do NOT allow your children to scream, run around, play, poke, point, touch, ok even talk on the various forms of transportation, especially on the train. People enjoy sleeping and reading in a peaceful enviornment and the last thing they want to hear is braty kids running wild and the parents do nothing. In this case please remove your children before they touch my hair or call me foreigner one more time. I do not consider myself responsibel for my actions when provoked. The only exception to this rule is if your child is really cute.

4. Do NOT bring offensive smelling foods in an enclosed space. This applies to much of Taiwan seeing that most things have offensive smells. I dont feel like plugging my nose or getting out of my seat to puke because of the offensive foods you have brought. This makes for a very unpleasant ride. Also in regards to food, please use manners, I know somewhere along the line you must have accquired a few, so that being said, DO NOT eat crunchy things with your mouth wide open and therefore allowing food particles to fall out of your mouth. This is disgusting and expect me to stare at you until you stop.

5. Please shower and make sure you dont stink when you enter any form of transportation. Nobody wants to smell you for the entire trip. DO not be offended when I move seats to get away from your stank, theres only so many bad smells one person can handle. Makes an effort to cover it up with semi nice smelling perfume.

6. Do not kick, push, or use the seat in front of you for any reason. So one may be sleeping and they do not want to be distubed by you. The seats on the train and bus have more than ample room to move and get out without holding on to the seat in front of you and therefore disturbing that person. Fully expect the offended person to recline the seat as much as possible without thinking much about your discomfort, as they have already been disturbed multiple times.

7. DO NOT SMOKE!!!! For people who do this must not have a single brain cell left in your head. Are you seriously going to light a cigarette in an enclosed space where no one can get fresh air? I am still amazed at the number of MORONS that do this, on buses and trains. At least on the train stand between cars and open one of the doors and blow the smoke out that way. On a bus, come on you can make it 4 hours with out lighting up or just get a patch for that time. You are causing serious health problems for everyone else on the train or bus. I can assure you nobody wants lung cancer from second hand smoke because you are selfish and cant wait til you exit the train of bus. In this case expect people to cough and possibly yell profanites at you.

8. Do NOT take up more room than you are given. This applies when you are sitting next to someone on the bus or train. Stay within the confines of your own assigned seat. I DO NOT want you touching me or invading my personal space. I pay good money for my seat and I dont want you in any part of it. I will attempt to regain my rightful space and if you dont move I will harbour large amounts of hostility towards you until, you or I exit the train. If I wanted you that close to me I'd let you know, but dont get your hopes up, I'm an American who likes her personal space. This rule does not apply when you are sitting next to a good friend.

These are the most important rules I have thought of thus far, I'm sure there will be more as I continue to travel throughout Asia.


7th March 2007

You must have had a really bad day!
7th March 2007

hahahaha, i thought this was going to be about your purse
8th March 2007

My, oren't we touchy. Haven't you ever heard of "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" chill out It's still funny
12th March 2007

I'll remember those
Rachel, sounds like a good set of rules to me. I think these rules should be applied to USA travel as well.

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