Blogs from Sri Lanka, Asia - page 156


Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Kandy August 15th 2006

I went into Kandy on my own for the first time the other day, accompanied by my classmates Carolina and Katie. It was an exciting trip for me, if for no other reason than it gave me an excuse to practice speaking Siŋhala with the three-wheeler drivers. “Mee three-wheeler eke yannewade?” “You want three-wheeler?” “ŋ… ŋ… ou. Three-wheeler eke yannewade?” “What?” Much to my dismay, I have found that Sri Lankan Siŋhala speakers simply cannot understand my accent. In the end we usually fall into a Siŋglish discourse, whereby I repeat English nouns followed by the word ekak to indicate that I am not, in fact, speaking English, but rather an ill informed version of Siŋhala. “Notebook ekak tiyenewade?” “What?” ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Ella August 14th 2006

Hello all I have had one hell of a weekend! Friday got up at 5 am to get into the capital to have big fights with the airlines insurance people about all the damage to my bag and stuff. They were so rude to me so I lived up to what they already thought western woman were like and was very forceful that I wasn’t going to take any rubbish off them and now I have to go back and speak to there manager on a day next week so that will be fun! Anyway after that excitement I got on the bus with a lot of other volunteers and headed for the rainforest in the center of the island somewhere near Ella i think this journey took about five hours and so at the end ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Kandy August 13th 2006

I used to find the fact that all of the electrical outlets in Sri Lanka must be switched on cumbersome. It was not until what I shall call the Incident of Applied Behavioral Conditioning that I came to know better. Without switching off the electrical outlet by my desk, I crouched next to the door to plug in my computer. Bzzzsshhhtt. The shock knocked me into the door and away from the electrical socket, clutching my right hand and cracking all of the four afflicted knuckles. I picked up my computer to ensure there was no damage and my fingertips sensed a peculiar electrical field emanating from the keyboard. Every subsequent time I have plugged my computer into the wall, the electrical field has come back. I have taken to placing my computer on the desk ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Kandy August 10th 2006

My mother just informed me that from now on, the household is to be a Siŋhala only zone. Siŋhala will be spoken first and foremost and English will be used only for purposes of clarification. I know that in the long run this will benefit my speaking ability immensely, but at the moment it seems it will significantly limit the types of conversations we will be able to have. Currently, I am more or less proficient in the art of Siŋhala comings and goings, by which I mean I can greet individuals with a hearty aaibowan or subə udææsenak, inquire as to the condition of their mind and body with an inquisitive kohomedə, and escape conversation with a decisive yet polite gehiŋ ennaŋ. I am also becoming quite good at refusing food (æti or epaa) and ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Western Province » Colombo August 10th 2006

hello all! I have had the most manic 10 days of my life! So much has happened and when I am trying to put it in words for you now it sounds pathetic how worked up I have been! So last time I spoke to you I was on my way to see an amazing temple then I went to see the massive buddest festival in Kandy which was so beautiful it was about 4 hours long (will wouldn’t have hated it!) there were over 50 elephants in it all lit up and hundreds of dancers. The next day I went to an elephant orphanage and then on to do an elephant ride which most of us came away itching from! Finally a week after I arrived my bag turned up it had been stuck at ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Kandy August 7th 2006

Five people live in my home in Sri Lanka: mage amma (Kanthi), mage taattaa (Susantha), mage nangi (Sajani), mage balla (Teena), and Mr. Hamma. My amma (mother) is a small, round woman with long black hair she wears in a ponytail that reaches down to her hips. She wears linen saris for her work at the ministry but can most often be seen in long housedresses with large, floral prints. Although I have not been able to glean the specific nature of her job, it seems she teaches individuals with no other marketable skills to make artificial flowers for a living. The house, therefore, has at least one vase in each room teeming with fabric flowers. My taattaa is a skinny man only a little taller than myself, with graying hair and distinctive features. He works ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Kandy August 7th 2006

This afternoon my amma (mother) asked if magə nangi Americawe (my American sister) shared my facial structure. I seized upon the opportunity to show my Sri Lankan family the photo album I brought from home. As I pointed to a picture of Lauren that was taken on disco, I explained that she was my roommate at the university (the word college here is more nearly equated with high school). “And is that her… boyfriend?” my Taattaa asked. “No… that’s me.” I guess you had to be there. After the mistaken gender identity incident, they fawned over a picture of Pumpernickel for minutes, saying how much he looked like a teddy bear and how cute he was. My nangi held the photograph up to her cheek as if to feel the softness of his fur through the ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Kandy August 5th 2006

This afternoon we walked with Professor Ram and his wife (also a professor, come to think of it) to the University of Peradeneya to see four of the religious centers on campus - the Hindu temple, the Muslim mosque, the Christian church, and the Buddhist temple. The Hindu temple was set on top of a mountain overlooking the University. It was dedicated to the younger son of Siva, who moved to Sri Lanka after fighting with his brother Ganesha over the ownership of a mango. Siva set his sons a race around the world to decide which would receive the fruit, and while the younger brother set off on a peacock around the world, the elder simply turned in a circle because his father had always told him that he was the world, creating and ... read more
University Church
University Buddhist Temple

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Kandy August 5th 2006

Sri Lanka. Where to begin? The plane ride seems as good a place as any. I arrived at the Detroit airport at noon for my flight to Chicago, scheduled for an hour and forty five minutes later. I had my luggage packed into one suitcase - twenty pounds overweight - and a backpack with a frame which would prove to be rather cumbersome in the Chicago and London airports. In any case, I waited in the nonexistent line to check my bags and procure a boarding pass. I should have known then that there would be problems. “Did you know that your visa expires in thirty days?” The desk attendant starred quizzically up at me from the United Airlines computer. I had not known the visa would expire, but I was sure that it wouldn’t be ... read more
The ISLE Center

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Kandy August 5th 2006

hello!!! i only have a few mins so hi everyone! i still dont have my bag but i am just getting used to being the one who only has 2 outfits now. I am in Kandy this weekend up in the hills to see a big festival this evening with lots of dancers and elephants which i am really looking forward to! last night a whole load of us TPA vols met up and when for a meal which was good. I have started my placement which is really good lots of little kids shouting teacher teacher at me and just amazed because they have never even seen a white person before they think i am a different species which is sad. My new family are great very traditional which is taking some getting used to. ... read more

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