Sinhala Only Zone

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August 10th 2006
Published: August 15th 2006
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My mother just informed me that from now on, the household is to be a Siŋhala only zone. Siŋhala will be spoken first and foremost and English will be used only for purposes of clarification. I know that in the long run this will benefit my speaking ability immensely, but at the moment it seems it will significantly limit the types of conversations we will be able to have. Currently, I am more or less proficient in the art of Siŋhala comings and goings, by which I mean I can greet individuals with a hearty aaibowan or subə udææsenak, inquire as to the condition of their mind and body with an inquisitive kohomedə, and escape conversation with a decisive yet polite gehiŋ ennaŋ. I am also becoming quite good at refusing food (æti or epaa) and informing my family what I can and cannot eat (kanne puluwaŋ) for dinner. Seeing as this is the extent to which my Siŋhala has progressed, I foresee more than few long days ahead.


16th August 2006

Stick with it Jayme. It is always intimidating when everyone around you is speaking a different language, and no matter the preparation it is never the same. But you will pick up more key words eveyday till they will seem like a natural part of your vocabulary. (P.S. your descriptiveness has put my emails from Ecuador to horrible shame, keep up the good work)

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