I wish I'd worn shorts

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Asia » Sri Lanka
September 22nd 2006
Published: November 15th 2006
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First let me gloat. I got up at 4.40, yes that’s 4.40 in the middle of the night, to do yoga on the beach at 5am with Norman. I was the only one stupid enough to turn up, others turned up gradually, I think it ended up with 6 of us. Then I went to the fish market (on a trip, I didn’t just decide to) and this is where I wished I’d worn shorts. It was really interesting and as I was the only white girl there people were very friendly. But as I walked round I kept trying to convince myself that my feet were just wet from the water, but I think there was a bit of fish guts and blood in there too. Then treatments, lunch and SUNBATHING! AT LAST! Actually it was too hot so I went and played on my computer and had tea. Then I sunbathed for 1 ½ hours, don’t want a repeat of the burning. Also had an extra treatment today, a foot massage that was so relaxing I was about to fall asleep, at least I think I was about to….


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