Blogs from Western Province, Sri Lanka, Asia - page 19


Asia » Sri Lanka » Western Province » Seeduwa April 15th 2011

Arrived at Airport Garden hotel near Colombo in good time on Thursday morning and had an excellent lunch followed by pool time. Relaxing evening meal and then some IPL cricket viewing before bed. Last day in SriLsnka on Friday promises more pool time and a bit of revision for the 5th form! Apologies for lack of photos in the last week. Internet access not always what it might be and the iPhone does not allow photos to be uploaded directly to the blog. More will be added on our return. Final entry by Ben Simon and Connor S-Smith will follow this evening.... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Western Province » Colombo April 10th 2011

We woke up today relieved to be playing an U16 team and not an U21 international spin team. We arrived at the ground and caught sight of a pregnant dog which Barron said had potential! The toss was made and we decided to field much to the delight of those playing only as batters like Sale, Ritchie and Bertie. We started brightly with a wicket maiden from Dickson and the rest of our bowlers kept it tight early on, including Barron who made a valiant comeback from injury. Scags finally got the big from skip and bowled strongly despite his size taking three wickets for very few runs. The opposition finished on 190 all out, a real plus that we had bowled then our again. The opening bowler started brightly and despite fears that he might ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Western Province » Colombo April 4th 2011

We started day 1 in colombo in true Sri Lankan style eating a Sri Lankan breakfast of hoppers (bowl-shaped thin crepe-like things with egg or coconut milk with jaggery), crab curry, pittu (cylindrical flour and coconut things) and chicken curry. What a breakfast! Who the heck eats curry for breakfast, and more importantly, why doesn't everybody because its indeed the tastiest way to start the day. We knew then and there that even if all the touristy things we were planning to do in Sri Lanka flopped, the food alone would make this an amazing holiday. Tummies loaded up, we then headed out to explore the streets. First was a stroll through the leafy green Kolpitty the old neighbourhood of my mother's family. Unfortunately we didn't make it to see Rosmead Place, as we decided to ... read more
Pittu and curry
Loving these juices

Asia » Sri Lanka » Western Province » Colombo February 21st 2011

Can't believe I'm hear on the 27th floor, staying in a spectacular apartment with a wonderful host the Miss Emma. This stylish sanctury overlooks the famous Galle face green and what better soundtrack could you ask for, the chorus of prayer. You can see most of Colombo from here. I'm 5 hours ahead of you, so while your waking up I'm having lunch and when I'm sleeping you are stuffing your face with your lovely homecooked dinner. Talking of dinner I'm cooking tonight, heading to the market to buy local veggies and yummy and unusual fruits, ( I wonder what the sinhalease aquilevent of TWO FOR A POUND DARLING) will let you know.... The flights were in total a speedy 12 hours On arriving at the airport, Billy(as named in the family, William to you ;0)) ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Western Province » Colombo February 3rd 2011

A beautiful island and a new adventure, my Chinese new year holiday this year led me to ... Sri Lanka. It was a ten day adventure that I cannot squeeze into one blog because we saw and did so much! Instead I will begin at the capital, Colombo. After an overnight flight and two hours at Mumbai airport, we arrived in colombo at 5am and were very pleased to have booked a hotel for a morning sleep!  I had no idea what to expect from Sri Lanka, and guessed it might be similar to tales I had heard about India. I was most definitely wrong.  On our first afternoon we headed out to the train station at Colombo fort, which was a very colonial and ancient building with beautiful rickety trains inside with people hanging out ... read more
Colombo Fort Area
Colombo Fort
Orange Coconuts

Asia » Sri Lanka » Western Province » Colombo December 9th 2010

HONDERD ZEVENTIG FOTO'S?! ja, en misschien volgen er nog meer. We zijn momenteel in een ghetto in Manilla en het is hier bere-gezellig... Wie ooit gedacht heeft dat strakke zwembroeken alleen nog maar vertoond werden in klassieke James Bond films heeft het goed mis, in Beruwela aan de west kust van Sri Lanka hebben Gerrit en Trees Turkije verwisseld voor Sri Lanka. We verblijven in Club Palm Garden waar elke avond de dansvloer gevuld is met schuifelde vijftig-plussers uit Nederland en voornamelijk Duistland, de kustlijn gevuld is met blauwe badpakken voorovergebogen om schelpen te rapen. De Duits sprekende disk jockey neemt nogmaals het avond programma met ons door en we hebben er zin an (serieus) dit is alles wat we niet eerder gezien hebben en we genieten er dubbel van, omdat het zo tegenstrijdig is met ... read more
Zonsondergang Tangalle

Asia » Sri Lanka » Western Province » Negombo November 28th 2010

Going to fly in to Sri Lanka Today ! Heard a lot about the country, being so close to home. Although I wanted to go years earlier, the war that went on for a long time prevented me from doing so. So here I am, going there at last. Have selected a small operator on the recommendation of a friend. See how it goes. Arriving in BIA (Bandaranaike International Airport) around 12 noon.... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Western Province » Negombo November 28th 2010

Arrived a bit late and got to Negombo. The Hotel is lovely, lovely beach too. The weather is not good. Raining, but will not let that dampen our spirits. Hoping for a better climate tomorrow.... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Western Province October 30th 2010

Colombo -> Negombo -> Anuradhapura ->Dambulla ->Polonaruwa -> Sigiriya -> Kandy ->Pinnawala -> Nuwara Eliya ->Ella-> Galle -> Unawatuna Beach -> Hikkaduwa Beach -> Colombo There is only one word I have for Sri Lanka - astonishing.....we did not expect it at all to so fall in love with this place as we were more excited about our 'after trip' visit to India. Maybe that is why we were so positively surprised and amazed by Sri Lankan landscape, hospitality, cuisine, culture and wildlife..... I must admit we did not know much about the culture itself so it was so wonderful to learn all these fantastic stories and imagine the empire at its best.... We all learn about Egypt, Greece, Rome, Inca and China Empires but nothing about Sri Lanka - this made it new and interesting....but ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Western Province » Negombo October 29th 2010

The light house at Dondra head was a must to visit as it is the southern most point of Sri Lanka and there is no land between it and Antarctica. Climbing it was a bit of task but as with most things difficult, it was well worth the effort, the views - I am running out of superlatives! The photos do not do it justice. There were so many beautiful places but one of the loveliest was Mirisa. It was perfection. A secluded cove, little rocky pools and shady palm trees, the only problem was that they were renovating and the place looked like a builder’s yard. I said no to that and set off again. Thank goodness that I didn’t still have grumpy gums the driver, Sam didn’t mind at all that we looked at ... read more
Dondra head light house. I didn't realize that I had to climb up it!
Clinging on for dear life!
One of the spectacular v iews from the light house.

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