900 Bus... where do you go?

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January 10th 2011
Published: February 17th 2011
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Green 035...Green 035...Green 035...

It's the true local bus.
To tell the truth to the world at large... the walls surrounding our Australian dreams crumbled over the weekend of January 10th. Unexplainable things happened during a class and the school we taught at backed the student rather than (me) the teacher. Even the co-teacher agreed with what had happened throughout the class. It didn't make any sense.

Then things changed... I was no longer a teacher in South Korea. We had worked long and hard to get to this place so we could journey into the South Pacific further once we were through a 12-month contract. But what happened, happened. We cannot change those things. Honestly, I did what I needed to at that moment. I wouldn't change what I did. There was no reason to. I made a decision based upon the situation at hand. At that moment. Then I had a very difficult weekend after dealing with the decision I had made. Why I didn't do this, or why I hadn't done that? But in the end... it was a split second decision that change our lives without even thinking about there being consequences because for five months every work day we all did the same thing
Bus Route InfoBus Route InfoBus Route Info

2200 Express to Seoul and 900 Express to Geumchon.
as I chose to do on that particular afternoon. The only difference was that kid on that day at that hour.

Then the unexpected thing happens when you feel the world is against you... it just opens up and gives you this really BIG HUG! For no other reason then to let you know that the world still has plans for you. Impressed, by this hug, I began dancing for no other reason then to dance! I felt on top of the world! How could this be? I had found another job. I embarked upon this job with great conviction. I met the women I would work with. I tested the grounds for two days, then it happened again... the world warned me about working through the "loop-holes." Not once, Not twice but THREE TIMES, in less than a week. It had to be a sign. It was synchronicity. It doesn't just happen. And this scarred me. The weekend came and went. Then on Monday morning, I felt a great pain in my stomach. I couldn't do it. Something had changed inside of me about screwing over the government. It was an ethical situation and I didn't

On board bus #900.
want to break the law? Frustrated I spoke to Shauna. "I cannot do this. This is wrong. I am sorry." She replied, "do not worry. You will figure this out. We will get through this. Take the day off. Be with yourself. Find something happy to do." In the end I hadn't accepted any compensation for the two days I'd been around their school, I washed my hands clean.
And needed to search out 'what would make me happy?'

Happy... What could I do that would make me happy? I didn't want to surf the internet. I needed to be outside, clean myself off, dust off my walking shoes and figure out what the next step would be for me from South Korea. I packed my day bag. Grabbed my camera, a book and my cellphone. I wandered outside the village, walked across the street and stood at the bus stop. I decided, "I'll just get on the 900 bus and see where it takes me?" I'd been wanting to do this since we arrived. Just get on a random bus and see where it goes?

Where did it go? The 900 bus? Eventually it arrived stepping on I swiped my t-money card, turned left and walked down to a seat. Sitting down I shrugged off my cap and gloves and unzipped my jacket. Setting down my bag, I reached in and pulled out my novel but I didn't start reading. Unsure of where this bus ride was leading me, I set the book back down to stare out the window and watch the countryside go by. The bus pulled forward on down the hill past the street light up the next hill. We went through the tiny village of Beopheung-ri where we lived until it reached the road that lead out towards E-Mart in Geumcheon. But then it turned left onto another road I didn't recognize. Occasionally the driver would stop to pick up and drop off passengers. I stared out the window wondering where we were going? And how I would earn money, next? I needed to relocate what made me "happy" and the thing I was "most passionate about?"

After twenty-six minutes of looking out the window I finally recognized a few buildings off in the distance to our left. They were apartment buildings on the outskirts of Geumcheon city. Smiling, as the sun pelted my face through the bus window, I finally understood where this bus was driving me to. Without any certain plans for the day I was thankful to be outside wandering around the tiny city consuming myself within the everyday life in rural Seoul.


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