3 days in Singapore

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Asia » Singapore
September 12th 2006
Saved: July 5th 2009
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Hi Everyone!!
Hope you are all well, I made it here ok , very long flight and a few delays on the way but got here eventually. Checked in to the hostel which was surprisingly ok, it was very clean which was all I was hoping for, despite the fact that when we pulled up outside the building was covered with scaffolding outside, so I was a bit worried, but it was fine inside thank goodness. Anyway when we arrived it was too late to do anything so we had a good few drinks at the hostel and that was that!

Now when I say the room was nice it was it was very clean, but the one problem was the toilet liked to keep flushing itself, constantly all though the night. So for the past 3 nights I have had about 3 hours sleep per night, as the toilet kept flushing and then the tank fills up and then it goes again, every 5 seconds all day and all night which is great! I just couldn't get to sleep, but then I suppose it could be worse,but ever time I go into the room, I want to throw the toilet out the window! Anyway enough about the toilet!

The first day here we went down Orchard Road the main shopping street, and it is so much better than Bond Street it is full of designer shops, and I couldn't go in any. Well I did but I wasn't allowed to buy anything!! Then in the evening we went on a Night Safari which was great! We went round on this tram though the zoo looking at all these animals, and we got so close to them, which was a tad scary I wasn't sure if there was anything between us and them!!! We saw everything possible,elephants, giraffes, tigers, loins, leopards etc...I'm sure you get the picture. Anyway it was great fun!

Then the next day we went to Sentosa Island, which was fun, bit like a pleasure Island,a few rides, beach, cable cars etc... that was good fun and we spent the morning there. Then we felt after all that walking and exploring we needed a drink, so we went to the river for a beer,well when I say a beer I mean some beers. So after a few hours there we decided to tick one more sight off our list, and went to the Raffles Hotel for some Singapore Slings,which were very enjoyable and we even had enough money for another one!
After that it was back to the hostel to pack and try and get some sleep, which I didnt I got about 2 hours, and we left the hostel at about 5am and we had to get the tube to the airport which took about an hour. I had to carry my huge backpack on my back for all that way i was not happy, but I did it and before you ask yes I carried it all the way on my own, Nick didn't carry it for me. Anyway we landed in perth late last night, we have not done much yet just walked round the town and had some more beers, but I will update you all again when we have done something of interest!
Hope you are all well and do send some emails if there is any gossip or news, I've attached only a few pictures because for some reason I cant add more than that!
Take care
Cara xxx

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