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Asia » Singapore
May 6th 2005
Published: May 17th 2005
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So much to say about this place, stayed a week and it was amazing. Went to an Island called Sentosa which was a little too touristy but still beautiful.

Hot humid weather but still caught tan but also got caught in torrential downpours much to the amusement of the locals.... skirt went see through and everything but it beat the heat so I was smiling

Not as many brits unfortunately (fortunately really cause got to meet the locals who were amazing and a good laugh)

People kept taking photos, the toilets know when you've finished, the mrt (underground) is amazing (even I worked out how to use it), the people are all friendly. Its great here.

Definately come. I have loadsa photos which will put on but can't in this computer place so may have to wait a while.

One thing have to tell you all is went to zoo (which is the nicest one seen as all animals in big arenas in open air). Anyhow, the keeper of the cats took a shining to me and secretly let me into pen with real live cheetahs.... yes in the same pen, no cage nothing. I got to stroke it.... couldn't get photo there and then as would've scared it but took some when back on the right side of the bars!!! It was sooo cool and was a large 5 yr old male apparently tamed from birth! I was (undoubtedly) a little scared but assurance was on the sign outside building saying 'zoo will not be held responsible for any injury or death'....... nice!!!!

Right will post photos soon and in meantime off to Melbourne tonight so hopefully phone will work as didn't here.

Miss you all love bec xxxx

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cool treecool tree
cool tree

check out the vines

theres these cool little boats that take you around the harbour and show the sites
buddist templebuddist temple
buddist temple

gives you option to get your fortune and really cool inside obviously no photos..... little places like this all over little India

Spits water over the harbour... mean't to be good luck and really nice to stand in wind and get wet cause so warm
me in harbourme in harbour
me in harbour

yes i took it
Expensive hotelExpensive hotel
Expensive hotel

Where managing director stayed and bought me some drinks...... love being female

start of aquarium trip
I found NemoI found Nemo
I found Nemo

found better one in sydney but that will follow

they're sooo cute
sentosa beachsentosa beach
sentosa beach

paradise and sea was so warm

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