The Force is strong in me!

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March 2nd 2006
Published: March 3rd 2006
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Will Confronts  DarthWill Confronts  DarthWill Confronts Darth

The Force is STRONG in this one!
da da, da da da da da..., da da da da da, da da da da.........

Have you guessed it? obviously their pretty good clues!


Yep me and Will went to the Art of Star Wars exhibition today, infact i dragged Will to it! Soon as I saw it advertised at the information desk I just had to go and luckily Will knows how much of a geek I am. We sat on the underground for 45mins straight a long journey but for me it was even longer I felt like a kid at Xmas, I was finally going to come face to face with Darth Vadar himself!

The exhibition was set out in different rooms each room containing various diiferent models and costumes and original art work from each film. Starting with a New Hope we watched a short film about how George Lucas got started. The Millenium Falcom was on show and The Dealth Star, its amazing how tiny the models are that were used in the film. Famous characters like th original Chewbacca, R2D2, C3P0 and Stormtroopers were all out to say hello!

Moving round the exhibition I then came

Well I Never!
face to face with one of Star Wars great enemys, Jabba The Hut! May I say he was looking stunning as normal. In the film they created the full life model and then puppetered him through out the film. When we came to The Phatom Menace their were loads of Natalie Portmans costumes on show.

Anakins Speeder, the recent Chewbaca and other droids were also their and the original lightsavers from a New Hope, sound cool? it really was.

I could sense as we walked around the exhibition I was getting closer and closer to Darth as I could hear his breathing being played over and over again, however my introduction would have to wait as we were asked if we wanted to take part in helping create the sound from an original Star Wars clip, In a mock up of Foleys Studio. Of course I said yes!

Their was about 13 people, firstly we watched the scene we were going to recreate with no sound on the tv, its the scene when the stormtroopers are being attached by the Ewoks. We were all then given a job to do, some people were using rain sticks, rustling

Beep Beep!
paper in a tray to create leaves and basically making ouch noises! Personally I think I got the best job, I was handed a long foam pole and everytime an Ewok hit a stormtrooper on the footage I'd have to hit Will, I'm sure Wills sister Sarah would have loved the opportunity, it was harsh but all in the name of Star Wars!

Once we'd recorded the sound, many of us trying not to laugh we listedned to it back, it sounded good he played us the original sound they recorded and did'nt use and surprisingly ours was a lot better.

After this I met Lord Darth Vadar himself, its odd standing in front of him. As you can see Will thought he could attack him or perhaps Darth was trying to make Will strangle himself, as it happens it didn't affect me, thats because the force is with me!

Me and Will went on to play mind games in the Jedi Gym, we sat either end of a table with bands around our heads measuring our brain waves, a tiny ball was placed in the middle of the table, the idea is to push th ball (measured by how calm your brain waves are) on to the other persons side, I won! the guy said that it shows I'm more relaxed then Will, however Wills trying to make out that I'm thick, i think it just proves he's a stress head!

Anyway as you can tell I had a great day, I've wrote loads! and we actually did lots of other stuff.

Anyway talk soon, next stop Thailand! For anyone going to Singapore I recommend the Art of Star Wars, it moves early April, probably to the States.

Love Claire & Willxx

Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


Claire and DarthClaire and Darth
Claire and Darth

Cute Couple! I think Claire has finally found someone with a sunny disposition to match her own.
Star DestroyerStar Destroyer
Star Destroyer

I think sorry if I'm wrong any star wars geeks. PS GET A LIFE!
At At ArtAt At Art
At At Art

Again sorry if I'm wrong any star wars geeks. PS GET A LIFE!
Another  WookieAnother  Wookie
Another Wookie

Don't Know This Fella's Name Anwser on a post card.

3rd March 2006

Great Stuff
The Star Wars Exhibition must of been great to see. I can imagine my claire, shes always been a bit of a fan, and to think how small the models really are. Amazing stuff wish I was there. Love to Both of you Mum x
20th March 2006

Ohmegod! I saw the same exhibition in Sydney. Feel a bit cheated as they said it was the only time it was leaving the states. The swines!

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