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September 8th 2008
Published: September 8th 2008
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Hey all,

I am at Singapore airport. its about 730pm here, lunch time ish for you. I have made a new friend, her name is Iben, she is from Denmark. Met her in departures at heathrow, She is lovely, going through to darwin too and has been to oz several times. i have my own personal guide.

We landed here about 6pm (LT - 11am GMT), flight was fairly good. saw some good films on my on demand individual tv. V. nice. got some sleep and of course woke up with aches in horrid places.

Colin (from Edinburgh) who i sat next to on the plane, recommended the rainforest lounge when we arrived so off we trundled, handed over our money (couple of quid) and had a private shower with towel providied. bliss. so much nicer not being totally airline skanky.

We're seeing the sights of the airport, then off to find some lunch/dinner, then a nice place to lie down and stretch out for a few hours before boarding at 11 ish to fly about 5 hrs to darwin arriving around 6 am (LT) (GMT+9.5hrs).

Will keep you posted

Much love to all.


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