hello from singapore

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July 3rd 2008
Published: July 3rd 2008
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Shelley, Noah and BellaShelley, Noah and BellaShelley, Noah and Bella

22 floors up with low balcony wall. Needless to say parents were not relaxed at this point!
Hello everyone,

Just a quick update. We arrived safely in 'SIMPOOR' (as bella calls it). Kids were
amazing on the flight - passengers commenting on how brilliant they were. I
think they thought we were walking on with the anti christ when they first
saw noah. Anyway we ended up basking in the glory of world class parenting.
Little did they know we used 2 pints of medised. Poor kid was wasted.

We have all been seeing double, until today after last night's sleep marathon.

Tis like sauna outside. We went to the Zoo yesterday and we loved it. Just a little hot pram pushing. I guess we'll cope. We fly to Australia in 5 hours (2pm your time).

Tried local cuisine already. Yep, the subway sandwich was lovely. And you can't imagine the pizza. We're so cultured! To make up for it I had crab claws and fried cat-fish. Lovely.

And to give you a flavour of how much the kids are enjoying travelling. See photo of playing in street fountain.

More updates to follow. Missing you all.

Love, Steve, Shelley and offspring. xx

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kids getting wetkids getting wet
kids getting wet

How cuold we say no? It's 35 degrees out there!!

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