Singapore Adventures

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Asia » Singapore » Changi
August 6th 2007
Published: August 7th 2007
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Day 1 - We arrived and checked out the swimming pool at 7:30 in the morning! Discovered the Jacuzzi! Breakfast at 10 at Delifrance and went for a walk. After an afternoon kip we went for tea at raffles American Bar. Mum asked the waiter for a dessert menu and the waiter spent ages looking for a toothpick! Had a long walk around Raffles and saw the chefs cooking in the open air.

Day 2 - Went on the city bus tour and saw a Chinese Temple with dragons and golden phoenix's. Then we went to the Jewel Box place at the top of Mount Feber. Then to the Botannical Gardens where we looked at a load of orchids....We all got a fright when a big black bee flew out of some shrubbery! In the afternoon we went to the shops on Orchard Road and bought Sarah some crocs and Tim a memory card for his camera. Mum looked at lots of shoes but didn't buy any. Went to Raffles Long Bar where there were loads of peanuts to eat and on the floor.

Day 3 - Today we went on a Chinese boat cruise to Kuso Island, and saw giant turtles and another Chinese temple. There were loads of ships Tim and Dad took lots of pictures. We came back and packed up ready to go the airport. We went for another walk and got on the bus. We had pasta and pizza at the airport. Where Sarah fell off her suitcase!

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