Philippines 16th November 2009 - 3rd February 2010

Asia » Philippines » Luzon
January 27th 2010
Published: December 26th 2009
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The journey from Hanoi to Cebu, Philippines was a grueling one. We lost our wallet about two hours before having to get our flight which added an interesting and intense challenge to the day. The journey itself was overnight via three separate flights. It was a total hassle! We even had to bribe a Vietnamese passport official because we'd mislaid our health declaration booklets. It was a nasty way... Read Full Entry

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Klu Klux BeerKlu Klux Beer
Klu Klux Beer

This is how beers are served in Philippines. We think it might be something to do with keeping them cool or to keep insects out of them. Or (how about this?) both.
The Little InnocentThe Little Innocent
The Little Innocent

Oriel found this tiny kitten outside one night and decided to look after it and feed it up a bit. She was cute but pretty nasty at the same time.

13th January 2010

Hey guys, or should i say John-bo...well done on the blog, think its fab! Just checked out the pics, looks like you've seen some awesome things. Sorry to hear about the Dengi fever, that must have been god awful! Anyho good luck on the next leg of your journey whereever that may be! Messaged Oriel but do let us know where you will be April/May, Jules and i would love to come out and join you wherever you are! xx
14th February 2010

The Visayas
Hi there. Glad you enjoyed the islands. I was wondering about your comment on the "Gary Glitter" types. I should preface this by saying that I am an American who lived for a year in Cebu with my wife. We are both young people (late 20s-early 30s). I think it is unfair to say that Americans are the majority of "Glitter" types. I found that most of those types hail from various European countries, Germany topping the list. Anyhow, I am glad you made it to the Philippines and are spreading the word about how great it is. Hopefully more non- "Gary Glitter" types will take a look.
21st February 2010

in response to John
Hi John... thanks for reading my blog! I wasn't under the impression that anyone other than my friends and family were interested. Massive apologies if I caused you any offence! The last thing I'd want to do is create bad feeling in those who have chosen to live out there. I'll have a re-read and revise. We did indeed love it there! We've decided to head back after Malaysia. Take care, John

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