Holy Rubber Leggy In The Batcave!!!

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Asia » Malaysia » Selangor » Batu Caves
December 30th 2008
Published: December 30th 2008
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Batu Caves & Steps Of Hell!!Batu Caves & Steps Of Hell!!Batu Caves & Steps Of Hell!!

The Steps from Hell, The Scene of My Legs Visiting Rubber Leg Street!!
After performing the usual brekkie ritual, I grabbed my rucksack and camera before taking a short wander across to Central Market in order to catch the bus to the Batu Caves. After twenty minutes and having finally figured out that I was waiting in completely the wrong place, I ran about 100 yards up the road and hopped on the Number 11 which was just about to depart. Public transport in KL is so cheap and easy to use, the total cost of my return bus fare to the Batu Caves (which is way out of town) was a mind blowing bank breaking 60 pence...plus not only was there a bus conductor, but a ticket inspector too...how crazy is that!! Speaking of crazy, I had another of my mad moments when upon arrival, I decided in my infinite wisdom to scale the 241 steps up into the hills and the awaiting caves at the top. However, when it came to descending...my legs turned into 'Rubber Leg Street' and the phrase 'Holy Crap' sprang to mind!! The steepness of the stairway seemed to have worsened and all I could see in front of me was space and the KL Skyline, the combination of which made me worry that I was not going to be able to get down again!! I eventually managed to reach the bottom by using a system of clinging to the concrete railing and looking at my feet...God help anyone coming up on my side coz I was not moving for anyone!! I was also worried about encountering a monk with lucky cardboard on the way down too, but fortunately that never happened...instead, on the bus back to the hostel, there was a Burmese guy who firstly asked me to donate to the school he teaches at then, because he didn’t have a lot of money, it would be nice if I brought him lunch!!! The phrase Yeah and Right came to mind...If there is one part of this trip that I am hating, its these con merchants and beggars, maybe I should get a T Shirt printed up with Don't Bother Asking!!!


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