Lots to say!

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May 15th 2007
Published: May 15th 2007
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Its been a while so sorry if anyone thought i was dead!

But Im not and Im now in the beautiful resort type place of Vang Vieng.
Ive got mountainous jungle scenery with long rivers and a few caves to fill my time at the minute so all's good.

First off i was in Pakse, a queit transition point town in the south. It was an amazing time there just for the loop.
The loop is a three day ride on a scooter with stops at places like Tad Lo and Phounaxam to see the cool waterfalls. But for me the best part was riding through out of the way villages where the true people lived. Some of the kids aint ever sen a white man before so seeing a 6 foot androgenous long haired one riding through causes quite a stir! But the people are awesome, I got invited in for a meal or two.

Back in Don Dhet id made mates with Lai the owner of Happy Island Bar who'd done me the same honour. But he'd put out a real delicacy for me. Fried ant eggs!Actually tho the'yre kinda nice!

In Pakse I met a genuine American hero!

Hank is 67 and was hiding out in the guesthouse whilst they fixed his Harley over in the next town so he could ride home to see what was left off his house he'd smoked out burnin bacon!
He sounsed like he was full of shi on first glance but he showed me all his old id cards n photos for various jobs n countries to back it up. Quite the fella!

But a side effect of the sun, Ive recently discovered, is sun burn. See Id always thpught it was more of a turn of phrase, not tht it would actually burn n blister all my skin!! Alsmot like a big ball of fire ey??

Being on the scooter for 8 hours with no sun screen meant that my journey the next day on the sleeping bus, for 14 hours to Vientiane would be hell!

The sleeping bus is a bus with shared tiny tiny beds and i was sandwiched between four Laos guys witht the rawest skin!! A total fuckin nightmare I must say, and the damage was so bad I stayed inside for the first two days in Vientiane for sunlight hours!

But it wasnt all bad, i met two pretty Singapore girls who looked afer me 😊 almost worth risking skin graft waiting lists for!

But Vientiane is sweet, Its kinda like a small french town full of Lao people. Throw the Mekong Rive into the mix and you've got beautiful scenery to sit and eat a fine meal by candle light to, or to have a glass of surprisingly good wine.

Luckily i met some top lads from Brighton n kent so the journey up to Van Vieng was a *diamond* 😉

So now im here, and its part central. Like the few good aspects of a party island in spain without a single bad aspect they have, added wih all the many beautiful things laos has to offer.

Yesterday for example, i went tubing, you get in a big rubber ring. Float down the river, see all the beautiful butterfiles onshore.

Then u get pulled in by a guy with a bamboo cane, go up to the bar. Buy drinks for 30 penc each, get free whisky and swing off tyhe 40-50ft high swing into the river and off u go again. Theres so many of these bars man!!

It was insanse, finish the day of with an opium teat, sleep and today it was time to take a bke to the caves. Now im off to eat a big meal and go out to the ladies night with andy n ricardo.....


15th May 2007

good tht ur not dead. although. it would have been funny seeing sum small ass random far eastern dude trying to infiltrate us as u..... sounds like u havin sum fun :) xoxox
16th May 2007

nice tohear from you again. has been a while. you suprised me though. is that really the first time you've been "looked after"? surely not? haha sounds like you'v been having an amazing time though. all the best. write back soon xx
16th May 2007

DUDE so glad to hear your not dead! hhahha! and its mint to hera ur havin fun! the fuckin place sounds well mint :):):) love you man
17th May 2007

lol you don't know how genuinely happy for you i am, living the dream man. come back safe n shit. ps, thai bride please.
17th May 2007

hey! it sounds pretty amazing, apparently you've met a big group of people to hang out with which is really cool! I finished school yesterday, and had an r.e exam today but it was pretty easy. i can't wait to hear all about it when you get home love edith xxxx

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