A Jaunt to Jalal-Abad

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28th September 2014

Road trip
Hi Em, so nice to hear from you
28th September 2014

The death sentence!
It's not only those in Kyrg that are certain a small breeze is sure to kill, it's everyone not from the US or norhtern Europe. I've roasted all over southern Europe, north Africa and Latin America for these same reasons--no windows open in the dorm for 10, nor on the mini-bus for 12 stuffed with 25. Good for you for insisting on that breathable slit of window air! Incidentally, I'd be sitting on concrete and forgoing the socks all the time--keep cool and a warn pesky men that I don't want to bear their ten children.
2nd October 2014
Kid with no pants, and boy was he happy about it!

I love photos that capture life moments like this. I thought I should make some crack about a lot of men not wanting to wear their pants but decided to pass on it. Ha ha Happy travels.

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