First few weeks of classes

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September 10th 2004
Published: September 10th 2004
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Well my first full week of classes is about over. I taught at Fukumine last week but there were only about three days of classes since it was the start of the semester. The first day was relaxed so I didn't have any classes and the second day all the classes had tests so I ended up only teaching one class on friday which was cool. I was a little nervious but I think that it went ok. That night the teachers had a little welcoming party which was fun but because of numerous otoris I had to call it an early night. On saturday I went to Karaoke with some of the other Jets which was fun. Its too bad that I sing like a dying cat, but in the japanese manner nobody seems to mind. This week I taught at Seijo middle school. Its going pretty well. I gave my self introduction the first couple of days and I helped teach a lesson with student teacher who is also here to help out and learn about teaching. Yesterday and today are test days so I'm helping out with that. Last night I had my welcoming party with the Seijo people which was a lot of fun. Megumi the english teacher took myself and the student teacher out for pizza and pasta which was really good and then we met up with alot of other teachers at another resturant. It was a good time. we all had to work this morning so it was pretty chill (which honestly I prefer anyway). I do miss the beer in oregon though. Asahi, orion, kirin, etc. it all tastes the same to me. The kids are really cool to. although some of them are pretty quiet they are a good group of kids. I've been playing basketball with some of them. I also went to a concert the other night at one of the bars that another foriegner owns. it was pretty cool. its was pretty relaxed the group was a xylaphone (misspelled for sure) group. Other than that not much else has been going on my roughtine has mostly been go to school go home take a nap eat watch a movie and then go to bed. not all that exciting. (mostly because the weather hasn't been the best). thats about it.


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