Finally some photos...

India's flag
Asia » India
May 24th 2008
Published: May 24th 2008
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Here are some pics...not many so far since I am still in Delhi.

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This was the view from the roof of the first hotel I stayed in, in Paharganj. By the way, this is a clear day in delhi...

This is an ancient astronomical observatory. It is so accurate it can tell time in London, Delhi, and Bejing

Me in front of the Red Fort, a huge symbolic institution for India. When independence was finally won from the British, the British flag was taken down and the new Indian flag was raised...this was Ghandi's dream realized

Inside the legendary spice market. It is impossible to convey how big this place is and spices line the walls of all 4 floors and the surrounding streets. It's an assault on the senses....there are so many chilis that the air burns your nose and smells good though. It was closed the day I went (thank God, I dont know if I could have taken it fully functional).

25th May 2008

Good to hear from you
Hey Tyler, Paul and I just checked out the photos you sent. Looks like one hell of a trip thus far. I cant believe that's a clear day there in delhi. I am assuming that air pollution is a huge issue there. (looks like LA to me lol) Looking forward to hearing and seeing your journey unfold. Take care and happy travels. Love ya, Charles and Paul.. PS... What year was the astronomy building built?
27th May 2008

thanks for the photos. keep them coming.
27th May 2008

i'm just wondering how u have time to take pics with all the work u have to do :)

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