Agro in Agra

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February 15th 2007
Published: February 15th 2007
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Well, folks, we've been stuck in Agra for a few days now.
We took the sleeper bus from Jaipur and arrived early on Monday morning. The bus itself was full of corn sacks of tea so it was more a cargo bus than a sleeper one (one Finnish guy's seat had an entire sack in it when he arrived and the Indians wondered why he was complaining).
Following a visit to Agra fort we had dinner at the Shanti lodge and then proceeded to have a lovely night of tag team vomitting which lead to a full day in bed on Tuesday (happily it rained all day so it would have sucked to see the Taj that day). It also meant that we got to go to the Taj Mahal on Valentine's day and, I must say, it is an impressive sight to say the least. Its just a pity that you have to suffer the rest of the country in order to see it.
Agra is also unbelievably cold and damp for some reason.
Any way we've found it exceedingly difficult to get a train ticket out of this town to Varanasi. Fingers crossed for tonight as we're getting closer to what sounds to be a oasis of calm in Nepal.
We're both on the mend after our food poisoning incident (although surviving on biscuits and crisps at the moment). Our thanks to our personal pharmacist for the supply of antibiotics (an absolute essential when travelling in India for sure).

Will post again soon,

Bri and Linz


15th February 2007

Hey Linz, I read your journal and laugh. I recognise the India you describe and can honestly say in my experience memories of India improve after you've left. Remember it is not worth socking someone over a few rupees, Content yourself with murderous thoughts. It helps honest! Take care and stay safe Helen

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