Jodphur to Delhi

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Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur
November 5th 2007
Published: November 5th 2007
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Day 26
Today was our last day in Jodphur. In the morning we went to a local village nearby to see how the village people live. We saw handmade crafts being made, went to our driver's friend's home for tea. Their houses are basically outside only one room which the whole familt sleep in, very primative. They were all so welcoming though. In the afternoon we went swimming, and then had an early meal. Our driver then dropped us at the train station in Jodphur for us to catch the sleeper train back to Delhi. He made sure we got on the right train before he left us though. The train left on time at 1930, we shared one cabin, Jess and I on top bunks.


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