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December 8th 2006
Published: December 8th 2006
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I think that i may have been a little negative about india the last time i wrote and i now regret that. I had just arrived you see and i have since realised that this place requires a period of aclimatisation. Despite its many problems there are many good things about india my favourite being the fact that you can wee anywhere. This is a fascinating country, rich in culture and so much diversity. You could write a book about every single day you are here - its crazy. Anyway, so this is india since varanasi:

Agra - The Taj Mahal

Regarded as the symbol of eternal love, this is Shah jahans monument to his favourite wife who died after giving birth. Described as a tear on the face of eternity - perfect in every way.
perhaps the worlds most romantic destination. And there i was on my tod, all alone. I hope that this is not a sign. Anyway, amazing to see just dont know why they built it in such a run down neighbourhood.

Jaipur, rajasthan

A palace, couple of forts, an 'old city' - pretty standard indian city really. went to see a bollywood movie here, an experience i will not forget. Tickets are released 30 minutes prior to the film starting and this causes a riot. there is a policemen with a baton making futile attempts at crowd control and it is just complete chaos, but something you would expect from this place. Then when the movie starts there is loads of audience participation - highly amusing.

Pushkar, Rajasthan

A small little lakeside town, very spiritual place and a travellers haven. I dont care if this means it isnt the 'real' india, it came as a welcome break and meant good food and good accomodation and a few days of relaxation. Went to a concert in a temple. it was a part indian part german band and the music was a kind of fusion of classical indian music and electronic beats. knew it was going to be good when the lead sitarist, in a cheesy european way, introduced a song with; "Tonight za subject is .... LOVE."
witnessed in some of the other travellers the effects of long term travel in india. realised to be free means crap at dancing.

jasalmer, Rajastan

a long haul out into the middle of the thar desert, this is an old town contained within the walls of a fort. from here i took a two day camel trek into the desert and spent a night under the stars. a great experience just very very uncomfortable.

Amritsar, punjab

a flying visit through here on my way north. famous for the golden temple. here i experienced the sikh hospitality and stayed within the temple complex.

Dharamsalaa, mcleod ganj

small, scenic town in the himalayas and home to the dalai lama and the tibetan govt in exile. spent some time here relaxing and taking some walks in the countryside. visited the tibetan museum which opened my eyes to their cause. also went to see the temple and the dalai lamas residence which was not what i would expect for a god-king, if i was a god-king i would at least have a pool and a double garage. ideally tho it would be a place something like the playboy mansion.

Rishikesh, uttaranachal

This is where the beatles came in 1968 for a bit of a spiritual retreat and where they wrote the white album. So in true rock and roll style i found a guru and underwent a vigorous regime of meditation and yoga (well, maybe just a couple of sessions), unfortunately tho i did not find the inspiration to write a bestselling album. In between finding peace and harmony i went kayaking down the raging torrents of the ganga.

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a tibetan who put me up for the night in dehra dun

12th December 2006

Ahoy there brother. Really good to see you're having a great time, kinda makes me want to pack in the navy already and do what you're doing, but i wudn't have the money. Not really, I'm enjoying life too much down here. Cool to see you followed in your little bro's footsteps and to a dive off a bungy jump, it's an amazing feeling isn't it. Anyways hope your journey carries on being as wondrous and adventurous as it already sounds. Shame you're not round for christmas!! Al the best Will

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