All alone on the edge of the desert

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Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur
June 1st 2008
Published: June 1st 2008
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I arrived in Jaipur, Rajasthan on Friday night and walked the "Pink City" on Saturday. It's really strange...I am essentially the only tourist in this whole city. Only today have I encountered two other Westerners and I think they live here. I am told that the summer is brutally hot and hence they are in the off season, however, usually there are always some stragglers hangin around. Maybe the political situation here is deterring folks as well. Anyways, I think I might be one of only a small hand-full of occupants in my big hotel. Things are very quiet.

Also, I am constantly stared at and approached by the Rajasthanis. I don't know if they are just curious or what, but they want me to be in their family photos too....??. I am in like 10 photos with people I don't know (and can't communicate with since they don't speak English). I don't think I have ever felt like such a foreigner before.

Today I visited two old Mughal/Hindu style forts dating back several hundred years. It was really incredible architecture, set against the backdrop of the arid mountain ridges that border the desert. I hiked 3K up the side of a mountain in the middle of the day and almost felt like I would pass out before I made the top...but I was determined and it was worth it. Tomorrow I will tour more of the city, including the City Palace of the last reigning Maharaja (who still lives there by the way), and hit up some the famous bazaars...don't worry Crystal , I will get you the hippy wear you have requested. They even have a traditional style of tie-die, called lohari.

I will most likely leave for Udaipur on the overnight train tomorrow night.


6th June 2008

do you have any of the forts? or of anything at all?
7th June 2008

Out of order
The last two entries are out of order. I was first in Jaipur, then in Udaipur.

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