They even have rules for *that* in the Koran....

Published: July 5th 2006
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So today we decided to finally check out some of the sights of the city. First stop was the Jama Masjid, the country's biggest mosque and our first stand-alone mosque in a while (maybe even since Malaysia, I'm not sure). It was beautiful. The white marble domes did resemble large onions a little, but the decoration was lovely and it had a gentle peacefulness about it that was very calming.

I wore my Pakistan-Iran garb - a long tunic-like top that covers my arms and down to my knees, and a headscarf. It was a little hot and my headscarf technique needs some practise but I did have a little kid ask if I was Muslim - a victory!!

The funniest incident was when Corb decided to use the facilities after we left the mosque. Turns out that they have rules on how that is done in the Koran also.... so as Corb is about to..... a whole bunch of men start yelling at him wildly. Turns out you have to crouch when you go ..... Of course that means that the derriere is a little vulnerable, and these locals found it wildly funny that Corb's was on show. Poor fellow was a little traumatised with the whole ordeal. Got to admit I thought it was hilarious.... I think he'll be avoiding the bathrooms at mosques from now on!

We then explored the Red Fort, with ample opportunity for squirrel spotting, before heading into Old Delhi. It was a hustle and bustle of cars, trucks, buses, motorbikes, cycle rickshaws, donkeys and people - just crazy! We wound our way through the shady back alleys where the spices tempted our noses into a tiny Parantha joint for lunch. It was delicious and I wondered why I had never been offered a banana parantha before - yum!!

Sightseeing over for the day we returned to the shade and quiet of the hostel.... for a nap.


6th July 2006

Corb's behind
muaahahahahahahahahahaa... teeheeeheeeheeeee that is too funny... tooooo funny... i'm laughing so hard i'm crying... heeheeheeeheeheeee Haven't written you guys in a long time.. HELLO~!!!!! you guys should make a detour and come see me when you're done trekking all thru exotic counties!!!
6th July 2006

Indian culture
Have you pulled any roots yet?

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