Day 2: Meet Asha.

Published: June 4th 2011
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I had just about caught up on my sleep at 7.30pm yesterday, and my new housemate Anjuli had arrived back with her friends, who have now left. They ordered dinner while I was asleep, so I just ate what I was given- Dim sum, and some wrap type thing, which was lush. Much too spicy to even consider finishing, though I am sure I will get used to the heat. We watched a film and I managed to almost fall asleep on the sofa, at around 11, then was wide awake by the time I went to bed! This could be because it was only technically 8pm in my mind! The A/C and fan in my room didn't help much either, but I did get to sleep in the end, and didn't wake up until about 8 which was a relief. I was ready to go by 9.30 when I got driven to the Asha office. Here I was introduced to everyone in the vicinity, and Paul and a lady called Kiran gave me a brief of the work Asha does, most of which I was aware of, and then told me what I would be doing, starting Monday. I am going to be teaching English, as I thought. Probably on my own, but will have plenty of help and support. I have a curriculm outline, and will be given lesson plans too which I pleased about!
The journey to and from the office took me past the HUGE shopping mall, which I hope to visit, and some slum areas which I only caught a glimpse of. There was a lot to take in already this morning, and although my laptop is telling me it's 7.15am, it's actually 11.45, almost lunchtime I reckon!
We have clean (warm) drinking water in the house, and ice cubes available, so I will make sure and drink plenty!
I may venture out to the shops later on today, but am a bit nervous about going on my own, especially as I find it hard to say "no" if I am offered anything to buy, and have no idea of what prices things should be!
I think I am going to go to church tomorrow with Anjuli.
Will keep you updated! 😊
Au revior for now!


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