Hong Kong

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Asia » Hong Kong » Kowloon
January 17th 2007
Published: January 24th 2007
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Still cant believe we got here. The flight was no problem, well done BA. I liked the TV behind every head rest, so we didnt have to strain our necks to watch tele. I was very patriotic and watch 'The Queen' movie, it was good and didnt last too long, so managed to get some sleep. As the plane was flying over Paris we were asked to closed the blinds on the window due to the pending dangerous rays of dawn (which was hours away, they just didnt want us to have a nose). All throughout the journey we could log onto a map of the journey, didnt realise we were flying over Russia and Tibet, lots of snow.
It was comical when we landed at Hong Kong airport, lots of little people running around and directing us to Passport control. Everyone so happy and polite.
Booked into hotel then went for a quick look about. Julie and Ian weren't arriving until 3 hours later so left them a message to meet us at the Sheraton Hotel on the harbour front.
Meanwhile we ventured onto a 'Symphony of Lights Cruise' which sailed around Victoria Harbour, one of the world's most impressive natural harbours. (Forgot to mention it was misty, wet and rather chilly. Thank goodness i looked on tinternet before we left and saw the weather conditions and wore my faithfull kagoul). At night time, the Hong Kong skyline on both sides of the harbour are illuminated by spectacular display of lazer beams that bounce off most of the skyscrapers. It was very impressive, but the music that accompanied the show needed more imagination. During the cruise as well as enjoying a dazzling show, we were given unlimited free drinks and refreshments. We drank the drunk, but forgot to eat. It was a local girl giving the commentary she spoke very good English except for a few hiccups, 'look on your laft' (left),which was funny, everytime we laughed or mimmicked her , she always managed to be standing right behind us.

Got back to meet Julie and Ian rather late, almost an hour. We had to go under lots of subways just to cross the road, Hong Kong very strict on jaywalkers. Went to the top of The Sheraton Hotel, to the 17th floor then had to walk up stair to the 18th floor for the Bar. Julie and Ian had not long arrived, so we got stuck into the cocktails. More spectacular views over the Harbour and city, still couldnt believe we were there.


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