Our One Night in Guilin

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Asia » China
May 5th 2008
Published: May 11th 2008
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First Views of the LiFirst Views of the LiFirst Views of the Li

The girls take a look at the mighty Li River.
Our next stop was Guilin. It was a stopover for us before we took a four hour cruise down the Li River to Yangshuo. Guilin has about 600,000 people, so it is the smallest city we have visited so far. Since we only had one night there, we didn't get to see much. But, what we did see, we really enjoyed!

Guilin has beautiful walkways throughout the city. The city is right by the Li River, so we enjoyed our first peek at this magnificent waterway. Since it is the rainy season, the river was flowing extremely fast. For our evening in Guilin, we decided to walk to dinner so that we could see the sights.

One thing we quickly discovered about the restaurants in Guilin is that their store fronts are lined with big red tubs filled with their menu offerings for that particular evening. We all loved peeking into the tubs and cages. We saw everything from pheasants, ducks, fish, shrimp, turtles, snails, snakes, and rabbit. The options were endless. We chose a restaurant that was busy with customers and decided to take our chances. We enjoyed snake, pheasant, and snails that evening. We have truly enjoyed

John and the girls on a beautiful Guilin walkway by the river.
trying all these new foods in China!

Tomorrow morning we catch a boat down the Li River. I'm sure we will have many spectacular pictures to share!

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Park BridgePark Bridge
Park Bridge

Parks and bridges were everywhere in Guilin. Everything was so green.
Guilin RestaurantGuilin Restaurant
Guilin Restaurant

The girls were fascinated with each restaurant we passed. So many things to see!
Lights at NightLights at Night
Lights at Night

Guilin offers a beautiful nighttime light show. Pagodas all along the waterway are brightly colored.

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