A few random observations on being female in Shanghai

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September 4th 2008
Published: September 4th 2008
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a young Shanghainese woman
Monday I was out and about, shopping, people watching, etc, and decided to write down a few random observations I found about being a woman living in Shanghai.

1st Random Observation: in pharmacies I've found entire shelves are devoted to "skin whitening" and "skin lightening" products and creams. This must be related to why strangers stop me on the street to tell me "you're beautiful - where are you from?"

95% of all advertisements I've seen use western models in them, usually blondes, even though I'd say 99% of the population here is chinese. I'm starting to get used to being stared at due to my foreign-ness/blonde-ness and being told by strangers that I'm beautiful (to which I'm always quite uncomfortable about). But when I discovered that every pharmacy or "Shoppers Drug Mart" type store I've been in sells skin lightening products, I came to the conclusion that being fair coloured is a beauty ideal that has gone a little too far.

2nd Random Observation: being a young foreign female makes you the perfect candidate to be asked by little kids "may I practice my English with you?"

I was sitting down for lunch with Ollie last Sunday at a noodle shop and beside us sat down a man, woman, and a little girl, maybe around 6. The little girl, absolutely adorable in her little pigtails, turned to me and so politely and well spoken asked, "Hello, would you mind if I practiced my english with you?" Naturally I obliged, and loved our entire 5 minute conversation until their food came. I learned her name, that she was born in Shanghai, and that she learned english at her english lessons, and she learned my name (pronounced perfectly), what I did, and how long I'd be here for. Her name was Sarali, and for a 6 year old her manners were impeccable, she was so curious about us, and she was also very bright and well spoken. I made a little friend 😊 It was the cutest thing ever.

3rd Random Observation: the challenge of buying bras in Shanghai.

I have ventured into many lingerie stores (from no names to La Senza - there are hundreds of stores) to do a little research and discovered that the largest cup size sold everywhere, as far as I can tell, is a C cup. Now, I know you're all probably wondering "why the heck is Jen writing about bras??". But a good bra is a very important thing to a woman and I thought I should inform the masses that if you're bigger than a C, be well stocked up on all your undergarments before heading over to China.

Well, those are my 3 female-specific random observations from today. Quite the assortment of thoughts, I know.


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