wow, there are a lot of people in China

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August 14th 2008
Published: August 14th 2008
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Emily had a scary stomach bug two nights ago. I think it was a food related thing because she ate a peach with the peel. I had previously peeled the fruit, but she insisted on eating the peel. We won't do that again. She's also been sticking her hands in her mouth and biting her nails a lot--also not the best habits when riding the trains and eating out a lot. We are going to work on that too. She had a high fever (over 103) and was miserable. I had that total panic of I'm in a foreign country and don't yet have a doctor. I've looked up a hospitals and doctors but haven't quite figured it all out yet. I have a printer now, so I can print out some directions and that will make me feel a little more prepared. Emily is all better now. She's a tough one. I did call our doctor's office in Evanston and got some good advice. That time difference came in handy for a change. It was 11pm here and 11 am in Evanston.

On a brighter note, we hosted our first playdate yesterday with Sophie and William, our friends from England. I noticed my kids were speaking with a slight accent by the end of the day! It was funny. We introduced our guests to microwave popcorn. They'd never had it before and William loved it! Sophie preferred the fishy biscuits (goldfish crackers). We are exposing them to American culture with our favorite snacks. Another cross-cultural experience here in China.

Last night, the kids and I met Mark for dinner near his office. We got on the train at about 6:10pm and it was really crowded. Like wall the wall people crowded. My camera was in my purse and it got knocked out and luckily I Nathan could squeeze down to the ground and get it for me. Nathan fought his way through the crowd to get us out--people took pity on the poor Americans and made a slight path for us. When we got off the train we celebrated with high 5's. I hold on to my kids so tightly when we enter and exit trains. I don't even want to imagine getting separated.

Mark is getting ready to leave today. He's racing to the visa office and then back here to get his bags. I'm already a little panicked about having so many meals to figure out on my own. The eating out thing is stressful. I have a list of things I need to get done and also places we can go...hopefully it will go smoothly. The good news is Mark can bring back a few more things we left at home and also some stuff we can't find here.


14th August 2008

when Mark is gone
1. Watch all of the Mad Men episodes that you bought I wish I hadn't already seen that set. It was so much fun. You'll enjoy it. -- Also, don't set the bar too high for yourself. You've only been there a very short time and have accomplished amazing things.
14th August 2008

High fives
I wonder how many of us breathed a sigh of relief when, reading rapidly in the first paragraph, we got to your call to your dr. in Evanston?....Go Emily!....I laughed out loud when I pictured you and the kids high fiving on the subway platform.

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