For all the dumplings in Shandong

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November 8th 2005
Published: November 10th 2005
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So it’s been a while since my last blog entry and many strange and wonderful things have happened to me since then...The foreign teachers were all invited to a welcome party which I foolishly thought would be a simple event but no. I was required to get up on stage in front of about 600 Chinese students and do a dance aahhhhhh its gets worse..alain the guy from the Cameroon decided to spice things up a bit so he joined me on stage and started to grind with me, the Chinese gasped in horror but then thankfully just started laughing-don’t think I have ever been so humiliated in my entire life I later found out that what I thought were just simple video recorders were in fact TV cameras belonging to Shandong television- oh sweet lord!
So I am working in a primary school in the mornings and kindergarten in the afternoon which I love the kids are all completely amazing although think some of the kindergarten children are a little afraid of me as some of them began to cry when I walked into their classroom and they also have a strange habit of spitting on the classroom floor - but that doesn't really compare to the incident yesterday when one of the students tried to lick the top of my foot!
Have made some really good Chinese friends who all have very interesting English names - Angel Storm, Winter rain and Eminem being my favorites. I love being able to say that” I am going for lunch with eminem" he is so funny - bit of a rebel in Chinese terms as he has piercings and tattoos think this may be response to fact his parents are both government officials - I am going there for dinner at the weekend slightly afraid.
Went to Qing Dao at the weekend which is a huge city on east coast of china and was able to get western food - so so good after weeks of turtle, dumplings and noodles. I went with the aussies and some Chinese friends its about 6 hours bus ride - that’s a 12 hour round trip just to go clubbing I hope your suitably proud Julia! After stuffing ourselves on pizza we met some Russians and ended up drinking cheap beers in a car park before following them to several clubs (all with bouncy dance floors - guy who invented that was a genius!) and after being forced by the crazy Russians to do a lot of vodka, tequila and jack Daniels - my memory of the evening gets slightly fuzzy although my friend Christi did wake up with an extra coat containing some English guys passport so we spent the next morning working out how that happened and what to do with it - but don’t worry he got in back.
The only thing I hate about this place is the pollution - I am constantly coughing and feeling like I cant breathe due to all the smog - think I may need to invest in one of those surgeons mask things - attractive, could be a fetching combination combined with my newly purchased baby pink long johns and matching vest! But it is sooo cold here - heating does not come on till 18th November - state controlled!
so on that note my feet are getting too icy to sit by my computer any longer so must get in bed but will blog again soon
Missing you all

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10th November 2005

dumplings with eminem
where is the picture of this rapper??As you know I don't really need to write again so soon having written last night but the business man in me demands that I respond by return.Get me a video though from the TV station of your dance,meanwhile I will try to send you my most recent "Jagger" carried out at the Cannes Duty Free Exhibition where,again,drink was involved,although it was only 5.30 pm Be,be better Love Fred
11th November 2005

LP the new J-Lo!
It's quite funny as the Prime minister of China is getting bad press whilst visiting the UK, and it seems as you have taken over telly ratings - LP for President. Your stories of grinding some big Cameroonian infront of hundreds of primary school kids and on LIVE telly, paints a hilarious picture as my imagination runs wild! haha... your experience of kids spitting on the floor of the classroom rings bells of a time on teaching placement in my class of 3rd year neds would come in and spit while playing 5-a-sides in the gym hall. But one of the boys, big Malky got it good, when he slipped and hit the deck with a scud! Whether it was sweat or spit, any chance to see those arrogant w**k*rs make fools of themsleves gave me pleasure. But i never experienced them cleaning my shoes with their tongues despite the fact it would be a major satisfaction! You say that you cant think of anything more humiliating but i'm sure i can think of one or two other instances to top a little bump and grind in China! but not quite suitable for everyone else to read! I sympathise with the smog and pollution thing..but think of that in 30 degrees and 90% humidity in a city like Singapore or KL. It's just rank! But when you get a chance to take a photo of you in you pink thermal combo, send us a copy! However, great to hear you are having fun and you've got lots of nice friends. The photos show that despite having to eat Michael-Angelo, Donatello, Leonardo, Raphael and friends every day, you havent lost your appetite. Which is great to hear. I bet you it makes aeroplane food look like Michelin 3 star! Take care beautiful, Lots of Love, Allyxxxx

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