Beijing Tiannemen and Forbidden City

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October 16th 2008
Published: October 16th 2008
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It took us almost two days but we saw it. We got there early but forgot our camera, laugh! The weather was cool and we were feeling frustrated not really knowing where we were or where to begin looking around. That's where a tour guide would have been handy. Anyways, after returning from the hotel (luckily only a 1 yuan and 10 min bus ride and 10 min walk between the hostel and Tiannemen) we found a place to have lunch (again we ordered too much, leftovers) where our neighbours shared their huge bowl of sweet and sour soup. About 20 minutes of sorting out the bill and we had a meal and our bearings and were ready to expore.

The square area is huge and packed with people all day. The Square is ajacent to the People's Assembly, the Forbidden City, a monument to the People and Mao Mausoleum (where his cremated body is still stored and available for viewing). Because it was early afternoon after we had wandered around for a while we realized we wouldn't have time to see the Forbidden City. So, we visited a park within the walls of the Gate of Heavenly Peace.
Day 2 - Tiannemen Square and surroundingsDay 2 - Tiannemen Square and surroundingsDay 2 - Tiannemen Square and surroundings

Newly made market street yet to include any open shops. The real markets are in the adjacent streets and are filled with people and all kinds of goods and food for sale. Mazi bought a scarf.

We also decided to find the Peking Duck restaurant that Mazi's uncle recommended. We took the bus from the hostel to the south end of the square and realized that we were not going to be able to navigate the maze of hutongs. We asked for help and were directed to a trike driver. We negotiated a 10 yuan fare and squeezed into the back.

Our driver toured us through dark hutong streets, without a clue where we were headed, weaving around people and cars. Finally, we parked a lit up spot basically a door into a brick wall with a faded sign beside it that matched the business card we had. Luckily we were saved! I'm sure it wasn't that bad, but it was really hard to see from inside the cab. Anyways, we made it to our destination and enjoyed fire roasted duck! Yum!!

Additional photos below
Photos: 31, Displayed: 23


Day 2 - Tiannemen Square and surroundingsDay 2 - Tiannemen Square and surroundings
Day 2 - Tiannemen Square and surroundings

Monument to the People and Mao Mausoleum
GeoffandMaziBeijing1 123GeoffandMaziBeijing1 123
GeoffandMaziBeijing1 123

Olympic themed garden
Day 2 - Tiannemen Square and surroundingsDay 2 - Tiannemen Square and surroundings
Day 2 - Tiannemen Square and surroundings

Gate of Heavenly Peace (w/ Mao portrait)
Day 2 - Tiannemen Square and surroundingsDay 2 - Tiannemen Square and surroundings
Day 2 - Tiannemen Square and surroundings

Mazi's favourite (Butt pants)

18th October 2008

Butt pants
ahh yes butt pants. so convenient.....
24th October 2008

Butt Pants
I finaly understood how handy the butt pants are when I was on a train for 13 hours and a kid pissed right on the floor...aimed right at me! Yes that was the longest train ride ever. :) Don't work too hard and giving up a shift because you were already booked for a different shift does not count. Chat later magi
25th November 2008

I don't get it- what are butt pants????

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