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July 21st 2008
Published: July 21st 2008
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I was woken up this morning by Chloe, the dog we're dogsitting, and she wanted OUT of the room. I guessed the Ayi had come. Sure enough, she's back from vacation in Canada and coming here every Monday and Thursday for the next couple of weeks until the owner comes back from vacay along the Trans-Siberian railway.

I gave Ayi the receipts from the AC/electricity saga and tried to explain the best I could what had happened. She appears to be a very capable late middle aged Chinese woman who immediately started making phone calls to see what had gone on and why I'd spent so much money... in addition to giving her money right now to go pay the electricity bill.

Now she's back and being very efficient in cleaning the house. Which, I'm afraid to say, is quite dirty. Especially the floors with all the shedding Chloe hair.

Other than having a small Asian woman cleaning a house around me for the first time, a lot has been happening recently.

I took Arielle to the airport the day before yesterday to send her on her way back to catcat and Mexico City for at least the next seven months, which was emotional for all involved. I'm so glad she was able to come and to enjoy Beijing with me and Ben. It's been six years in the making, from the summer of 2002 when we came to China and taught English together, right after they'd won the bid to host the Games. We didn't get to do everything in Beijing, but it was still an awesome trip and a great opportunity.

The day before Arielle left, I received an invitation to serve in the Peace Corps in Nicaragua, which has given me tons to think about. I'm not giving any more details at the moment as it's not set in stone; there are still miles of red tape involved and lots of decisions and work to be done - until I have my plane ticket, I'm going to assume that the invitation is just another step. A big step, no doubt.

In truth, it's been so long since I applied I was psyching myself up for rejection, planning on staying in Beijing for at least the next six months. I'm excited about the prospect of the PC and Central America, but suddenly it seems as though my time in Beijing is coming to an end prematurely, and that sets a little bit of anxiety deep in my gut.

I like Beijing. I like it a lot more this summer, the second time around. Things are so much EASIER. No culture shock. And let me tell you, that is a BIG DEAL in a place as foreign as China. I even like taking busses this year ... assuming I know WHICH ones to take. Last year the busses were a big mystery that I didn't have enough physical or mental energy to figure out.

I will say, though, that things are definitely changing to put on a bright new face for the Olympics. This past weekend the goverment implemented regulatons to try and curb the horrible air pollution and insane traffic. They're regulating the number of cars that can be on the road at any one time, have shut down most all of the coal-spewing factories for the next month, halted the 24/7 business of continual destruction and subsequent construction, and have opened three new subway lines. They've also taken all the pirated DVDs off the shelves , and the taxi drivers have to pass a very basic English test to keep their licenses. Sure is a different Beijing from the one I know and love, but guess it looks good for the tourists.

I'm not cynical at all.

Okay, I'm starving. Time to go get some food and read outside, let Ayi do her work. Wonder what time she leaves....


21st July 2008

Congratulations on the Peace Corps! If you do it, I'm sure you'll have another fantastic adventure.

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