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June 16th 2008
Published: June 16th 2008
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Is a waiting game...
This evening (it is 10:00pm Monday in China, 10:00am Monday in Buckeye Land). we were finally given a code to get into the wireless connection available at the school where we are staying. So, hopefully I can send a daily update from this point on.

Since I sent emails to you earlier today, the kids completed their day at the sister school. They had a lesson in Chinese caligraphy, and then took a yoga/pe class with a Chinese group of students.

We stayed until late afternoon and the traffic was heavy returning to Beijing, so by the time we made it back to the school, we had missed supper. I am sure none of the kids were disappointed to have dinner at McDonalds, which is about a five minute walk from our dorm.

Each night it seems everyone stays up a little later. It is a little after ten and most everyone is still up, playing cards, etc.

With this entry, this will be my first attempt at sending pictures. If I fail, I will attempt again tomorrow morning...

For those of you that have sent messages, I will share them with your kids at breakfast
We have arrived...We have arrived...We have arrived...

The first group picture at the Beijing Airport. We had all just passed through customs.
tomorrow. As I write this we are watching the only English speaking channel telling that Southern China is having even more problems with rain and mudslides. All is well where we are though...

Until the next entry...

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Our First Day..Our First Day..
Our First Day..

Visiting Tian-anmen Square and the Forbidden City. It rained all day long.
The Great Wall...The Great Wall...
The Great Wall...

...of China. It is more impressive than words describe.

IO...Buckeyes anywhere you go...

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