china randomness

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April 5th 2007
Published: August 12th 2007
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This is why I love china. now where did they come from and where are they going.
That is the great a terrible thing about living in Beijing. You make some of the greatest people from all over the world and then, poof, they are gone back to lives we only wonder about. Francesca has returned to Germany.

I am really missing my car right now. I hate having to get dressed in the morning for class and think okay I am going to be doing this, this, and then tonight I will be doing this. I am really having trouble finding multi purpose outfits. Something I teach in during the day and go out in at night without returning home. It’s really very frustrating. And then I have to think now do I take up homework today because then I am going to be lugging around books all night. How I miss the good old days when I opened my back seat and found a closet of choices along with shoes and accessories.
Sunday I taught an open class for a different company, not Steven. I was running late and running down the street balancing coffee, uncomfortable shoes and my oversized purse answering the telephone. It was a very Devil Wears Prada moment. However, as

These remind me of back home. If I had been paying attention in Rudy Mankekes class I would remember the name for these flowers that are native to China but now bloom all over USC's campus. The white onee's are small magnolias.
I reached the cab I spilled coffee all down my white blouse. So with out time to return home and change much less tell the driver how to turn around and take me home. I showed up at the office looking more like my laundry basket then vogue fashion week. I then lamented the contents of my purse, two things of lipstick, compact, a book, five pens, wallet, machine, candy, cell phone, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, mp3 player, diet coke, camera, no extra shirt or laundry detergent.
But, they did not seem to care because like everything else about this presentation they forgot to tell me I would be wearing the camp vest. Bright orange. I looked like the people who clean the highways but at least it covered my coffee stained shirt. So the open class went well and they still want me to do it again in two weeks.

Maybe it is because I am looking for it now that Francesca has planted things in my head of things she has never seen and wants to. Today riding on the BRT bus at that wide intersection before you get to the Temple of Heaven stop a BRT
strange occupationstrange occupationstrange occupation

I have noticed that people in China have the strangest jobs or it might be because I don't understand the lanuage. But from what I can gather this mans only job is to yell into to mike at the people looking at the fish. About what I have no idea.
bus ran into one of the little men in the small green one man cars. In typical Chinese fashion the entire bus emptied out to stare and do nothing. I am not sure how bad the man was injured I could not see because of all the people and I was riding the next bus. GRrrrr if I had only pushed a little harder and gotten on that bus. So I have now seen well sort of seen a car accident in China.

Additional photos below
Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


strange occupationstrange occupation
strange occupation

These cute little vehicles are all over the place. This the type of vehicle is what the BRT bus ran into.
strange occupationstrange occupation
strange occupation

This is another odd job. Water seller from a bike. But hey Francesca he's kind of cute what do you think?
Me and Ruth Me and Ruth
Me and Ruth

No wonder the Chinese stare at us.

7th April 2007

hehehe :) I love the pictures !
7th April 2007

Your varied experiences
I haven't seen many accidents in China, but I have seen the 2 drivers involved hotly argue about whose fault it was, while about 5 concentric circles of bystanders watch intently. Then everyone goes away: court dismissed! Have you been in a dept store where there are 4 workers for every customer? I don't like quite that much attention while I'm looking at stuff, so I go to the impersonal stores like CarreFoure. The govt tries to promise a job to everyone (if they're a resident and not some peasant from the country trying to get rich in the big city). They do a good job of coming up with lots of jobs! Those little cars are like enclosed motorcycles, and last yr there weren't very many of them--China changes fast! We'll be coming in less than a month--can't wait to see you!
8th April 2007

hehehehehehehe. he is cute, the guy with the water!!! and i cannot belive that i missed an accident!!!! oh no, sooo typical me!!!! i really hope at least you did stare at it like all the chinese people!!!! please. do not disappoint me!! i miss china and i would do everything to come back and live there!!! everything. enjoy your week and hope you get used to the whole outfit and teaching situation!!!!
9th April 2007

Brass Tax
Hey Trisha sounds like your having a blast in China. Really glad you picked up this new job (not for steven one) this must mean your making more money than you used to!! If so thats awsome. And im pretty sure, not positive, that they have a post office there so.......... You can just put the money you owe me + interest in a envolope and send it to me. Thanks a million. Looking for someone who doesn't always need to be right Grant Shadwell
9th April 2007

Haha! A "The Devil Wears Prada" moment in China! Only you - you make me laugh~! Miss you!
10th April 2007

Say what?
Francesca put into your head....a guy getting hit by a bus? I think I lost ya there girl. Must be time to come home!! You sound like my Rachel...not many shirts without coffee stains. Take care.

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