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November 17th 2010
Published: November 17th 2010
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So as a few of you may know Tom has asked to take some time apart so this will be just the Laura blog soon 😞 I have my own place nearby a coworker and am loving my new job, I will post pictures soon. I am safe and happy, and feeling very capable. I feel very lucky that I have this job because otherwise this would have been a nightmare. I am SO SO SO thankful for my supportive coworkers and the atmosphere I work in 😊 I am not sure what the future holds for me and Tom right now, but I have good feelings about my future and my friends here in Beijing. LOVE LOVE LOVE


17th November 2010

So happy to hear you are safe and happy!!! Love you woman. can I still reach you on the same number? Meow!
17th November 2010

Last night, as I was sleeping, I dreamt -- marvelous error!— that a spring was breaking out in my heart. I said: Along which secret aqueduct, Oh water, are you coming to me, water of a new life that I have never drunk? Last night, as I was sleeping, I dreamt -- marvelous error!— that I had a beehive here inside my heart. And the golden bees were making white combs and sweet honey from my old failures. Last night, as I was sleeping, I dreamt -- marvelous error!— that a fiery sun was giving light inside my heart. It was fiery because I felt warmth as from a hearth, and sun because it gave light and brought tears to my eyes. Last night, as I slept, I dreamt -- marvelous error!— that it was God I had here inside my heart. - Antonio Machado
18th November 2010

same number?
no you can't reach me at that number anymore :( just email me, I will work on getting a phone card.
18th November 2010

thank you! xie xie! xie xie!
you just rekindled my spriit, thank you so much!
11th January 2011

Ok so this is why you called him a "friend" in the most recent posting!? Can we have like an emergency phone call or something? Because now Im worried...how can you guys have time apart in freakin' CHINA!!! Tell him you can have time apart when you get back to the US where you have plenty of friends and family that can be there for you and kick somebody's ass for you. Can I say ass on this blog? Anyway are you ok? I mean you said you were ok, but are you really?

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