New Year in China - Western Style

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January 1st 2008
Published: January 1st 2008
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Ok, so it's been a while
In my defense we have been working really hard.
Things are beginning to quiet down now as we head for the end of term.
Unfortunately, the last week is "promotion week" a polite way of saying....we can send you to any school, anywhere, any age and you'll teach a lesson that'll make Aston Language Centre look good!!
So I came to China with the Grinch thinking that this year he'd have nothing to complain about.
China - non religious country - right. Ignores Christmas - WRONG!!
At least the tat only arrived in December not right after the kids go back to school in September (like the UK) And trust me when I say tat, I mean garish, tacky, toxic and likely to break before you get it home.
The guys in the Aston flat did a real number on it - it looked like an explosion in a decorations factory. Our boss comes in, says it's very nice and do we need any more tinsel cos there's plenty more in the garage!
I don't think the idea of elegant and restrained has got through yet.
Had a fairly quiet Christmas day and New Year - the parties here will be in February for the lunar new year. Off to Huangshan then to stay with a Chinese friend in a small village - hello, centre of attention!!
Befor then I'm coming back to the UK for a week 15-23 January so if you want to see me let me know. I'll fit you in between all the shopping I'm gonna be doing!!! Now what's on the list - marmite, red wine, bread that isn't sweet, baked beans, jelly, custard etc. etc.

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2nd January 2008

hello and happy new to you both
Hi Guys nice to see you back on line. I'm glad you had a great christmas and new year. Are you still enjoying the teaching? Where r the pics of u, Russ is very beautiful but no-ones seen u since u have gone, r u sure ur there. I would love to see u in a couple of weeks time if you can fit me in but also understand if you cannot. stay well and healthy Guys love you Justine and the gang x

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