Tunxi Ancient Street

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January 5th 2009
Published: January 5th 2009
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Tunxi Ancient Street

Located in the heart of Tunxi City, the Tunxi Ancient Street is an area filled with ancient Ming and Qing Dynasty buildings that have been restored and transformed into a shopping area. I know what you're thinking, another shopping street. This one is unique. The buildings have not been restored to new condition. I guess the word "restored" is a bad choice, maintained is more accurate. Because of this, the street has a lot of charm. It is filled with shops selling all sorts of local goodies. Since the Huangshan area is famous for its traditional Chinese art supplies there are many shops dealing in them. There are also shops trading in jade, tea, and antiques, some old and some not quite so old. The street is quite wonderful and has wonderful things for sale. Remember, bargaining is a must. The first price given is not expected. It is all part of the shopping experience. I bought a couple of ink stones on the street. I would have liked to buy more, but weight and money restrictions made that impossible. It is a great place to pick up one of a kind memories and gifts to take home. I will definately return to the Tunxi Ancient Street when I go back to Huangshan next year.

Ticket Price:
Time Needed:
1-1.5 hours
Hours of Operation:
In the center of the Tunxi City near Huangshan City in Anhui Province

In September 2008 I was sent on an inspection tour with China Odyssey Tours. I am the Marketing Manager of China Odyssey Tours. No one is told that I work for the company, and since I am a foreigner I can experience a tour the way our customers do. That way I get the real experience without any VIP treatment. I check on the sites, hotels, restaurants, and guides to ensure that they all meet our rigid quality guidelines.

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