Photos from Phnom Penh, South, Cambodia, Asia - page 94

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cambodia peace sign
cambodia in nite
tuk tuk drivers
yet more students cambodia
english teacher-more students
English teacher
Night market
The royal palace
We want to work :(
This is a the tree that they used to hang a loud speaker so there was no noise of execution :(
People hanging bracelets on this tree to show respect to all the babies that were killed by being hit against this tree, so brutal :(
Mass grave of children, people hand braclelets the colour red for good luck
Skulls that are kept, people come to show their respect
Lake in the Killing fields
Mass graves, they dip down but you can't see it very much in this picture
The Stupa, build on one of the anniversaries of the killing fields being found, we think!!
And this is it from the outside
All the bones are now housed in one place...
No need for words here really...
Paying our respect
Clothing of the victims, female and male
Pol Pot
One of the female members of the Khmer Rouge
A grim view
The smaller man made brick cells.
I think all blocks where like this, but only one remains int the same condition.
More cells, this time block B
The rules the prisoners were told to obey
Reverse angle of the former school courtyard
Another child's drawing
More good art work
Children's drawings, one of very few light hearted things at S-21
Pol Pot (Khmer Rouge leader) as a boy
The enemy (Head of the Khmer Rouge)
Shackles found at the prison
A small number of the innocent
The courtyard
Outside the cells at block A
One of the many cells at the former school turned prison,
Grave of the 14
The cold hard facts!
The anging chilli beef that tasted of vix vapour rub :-//
Off to school...
Off to work
The van was actually moving, and had about twenty people in in!!
Local life
On the balcony at Blue Pumpkin
Blue Pumpkin delight :)
Me, K, Iran, Bronwyn and Chad
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