azifady zaho mila mandayha ifaty tsy mangily

February 5th 2011
Published: February 5th 2011
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The adventure continues!!
Had an awesome first week, got to dive three times, get a siesta every day and the food is actually amazing! Unfortunately the dive instructor alice is sick so we have to wait until next week to get started with the dive course but I'm still so pumped that I get to do something dive/snorkel related everyday!
Its quite something living at reefdoctor... walk to the well to fill up a bucket, walk back to the bucket shower (I'm in tulear for the weekend and I never thought I would miss a non-salinated shower so much) bucket shower on the beach... Have to do it during the daytime or the shower is crawling with cockroaches but the showers are actually quite lovely! Walk to ifaty(about 20 mins half an hour if I want bottled water or any kind of snacks but I quite like it... Its a very rewarding way to live.

Yesterday erika, sam, ted(other volunteers) jon(our coordinator) and I walked to mangily for the day(about an hour) since alice was sick and we couldn't go diving. It was an amazing day but my system isn't used to the heat and the food and a couple drinks(I think I was really dehydrated to) because I was quite sick last night but I feel much much better now... Stomach still 100% up to par but other than that I'm all good.

We took a catcat into tulear this morning (about an hour in the back of a truck down a very bumpy dusty sand road) and we pick up the last of the volunteers tomorrow morning.

Right now its about two in the afternoon and siesta finishes in about half and hour(it started at noon... I love napping!!) And then we are gonna go out to the market just to browse.

I love this place and I love the pace and I'm having the time of my life!!
Lots of love to my family and friends and hope everything is going well with you guys <3


6th February 2011

Hey Anne! It sounds like you are having an amazing time. I am oh, so, jealous of you. Reading your emails brings me back to 2003 when i travelled Europe. Those 3 1/2 months were some of the best times of my life. Take it all in, don't be afraid to take risks and most of all take lots of pictures. these blogs will be a good momento....if you don't have one you may want to start a journal - write down what you did each day. I did that both times i went to europe and every year on the anniversary of my trip i read what i did that day. I is an awesome way to re-live it!! anywhoo, i will let you go. keep the blogs coming (even after the first couple months when you are sick of typing!!) love you tons!!! (oh and you look really really good with brown hair!!)
14th February 2011

Aww, sounds like soo much fun Anne! Take more pictures ;)

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