Our last days in Africa

August 17th 2009
Published: September 29th 2009
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After a few days alone in Vic falls me and craig wanted out of Zim. but guess what happend we got stuck, literally!!! We tried the train, fully booked, we tried flights, fully booked our only option was to get the "chicken bus to Bullawayo and hope we could change our coach ticket for five days earlier.

Our adventure began with a 2am wake up and a tired taxi ride to the middle of nowhere to catch the bus. When we arrived my bag was taken out of the trunk and put on an airconditioned mini bus which i thought cool, until the taxi man said in a concerned tone try the real bus that was full with locals and hustle n bustle of ppl trying to attach their belongings onto the roof. i ran after my bag and demanded it to go on the hustle and bustle bus. Me and craig squeezed on and ending up sitting miles apart, but we didnt care as we were on our way. After five hours on the chicken bus we arrived at Bullawayo. we reluctantly got off and like pack horses headed to the greyhound office. As i suspected we couldnt change our tickets. I started to panic as we were running out of money, and if you have ever been to Zimbabwe you know you can not get money from anywhere as there currency is no longer in use, with no where to stay and no money, we tried a travel agent again looking for flights out of Bullawayo. we found some for over a hundred pound but was releived to know we were heading to safety. lol

As we could not afford these tickets that was useless. We headed to look for another coach that could take us to Johannesburg. Eventually through Blue Arrow we were booked on to that days coach. The coach was delayed 3 hours and then we were off. We were doing good time, through Zimbabwe boarder crossing in 30 mins and then we reached the place i call hell. South africa Boarder control. I must admit when i got off the coach in my sleepy state i did not recognise the thousands of people ahead of us in the que. We stood in the dark from 8pm til after 5:30 am for a shitty stamp to stay we could enter the country. Lets say my patients were a little worn at the end and there were a few times craig had to stop me from shouting at the incompetant boarder control officer who thought he had the god given right to f*ck with people for no reason. anywho we made it back to johannesburg for approx 12 mid day and headed to our hostel where we spent five relaxing days playing pool and watching dvds, with the occaional trip to the shopping mall and cinema. Our African adventure was over and we were looking forward to the India sun!!!


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