Debre Birhan: a city on the… grow

March 18th 2009
Published: March 18th 2009
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Heyo, officially one month under my now oversized belt. Only 23 more to go, which doesn’t sound so bad when you consider the fact that Sean and I just learned how to make onion rings! They’re not Leo’s first floor onion rings, but they do have onions in them. The batter is made from bread crumbs, flour, and eggs, just in case you were wondering. Culinary skills!

The best part about one month being up is that Peace Corps now allows us to travel within our administrative “zone.” Unfortunately we are the zonal capital so it doesn’t change much. On the plus side, there is one pretty cool cat named Mike who lives in our zone, and this weekend he joined us for some onion rings and wine at my house. Supposedly there’s some good hiking up at Mike’s site, approximately one hour north on the currently torn up “highway”.

So I’ve decided its time to experiment with some picture posting. We’ll see how it goes; you know how averse my generation is to the internets:

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24th March 2009

T Street
Hey! Glad to finally be able to read your blog. I got your letter a few months back. I wrote my reply, but I want to also send you food, like Cliff bars and other Adam-Lenarz-treats. Expect a package soon (relatively).

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