Big travel shot bill in N.Z.

January 6th 2006
Published: January 5th 2006
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We are packing and trying to keep things light. Yesterday was expensive as we went and had our travel shots and bought Maleria pills for northwest Thailand and Laos. Over $600 !
I am really surprised and should have organised it all in Australia. Lou has had Hep A and Tetnus, John had Hep A and Typhoid, and Jetson had Hep A only as he is too young for the other stuff. The maleria pills are $9 each, Malarone, so we bought enough for Jetson as he only takes a quater pill a day, and enough to cover us for 5 days each only...... which is actually 12 pills, as you have to take them for 7 days after you leave the area to stop the gestation of the maleria. If we think it looks like a big mozzie risk, we will leave the area, but as it is dry season and cool, we should be o.k. with the Deet and covering up and staying inside during dusk and dawn. The mozzies carrying the bad maleria are night time feeders.
All in all, we will never be more than a 24 hours away from a good medical facility, so as long as Jetson is covered, and if John or i caught it, no one is going to Die. Same with the typhoid, and apparently it doesnt have such an intense effect on young children, so we just get to a medical facility asap.


6th January 2006

Great Trip
Sounds like heaps of fun, will be following your progress closely. Have a good time.

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