Wed 13th - Sat 16th Feb 2008

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Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi
March 20th 2008
Published: March 20th 2008
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Continued with the paths at Newlands. Heard today that the reason we weren't picked up for the skydive was that the plane was in for repairs. Unfortunately they did something wrong and it crashed today - the pilot had to make an emergency landing on a road in moshi and hit power lines, he and the photographer were killed and the instructor and girl doing the dive are critically ill in hospital. Good job we didn't do it!
Wednesday morning was spent lounging by the swimming pool at Solinero hotel with Gems, Nick and Rich. Valentines Day so most of the hoff went for a 'singles night' Gems and I went for a meal at 'The Spice Garden' - lovely indian food.
Wasted Friday morning trying to upload pictures that were too big and would have taken 6 days to put on the pc! At Newlands the boys spent the day down at the school fields in Mvuleni concreting in the goalposts we had had made for the orphanage and school. Curry for tea at hoff (again!) Gems has a bad cough.
Spent Saturday morning doing some jobs around town before we leave tommorrow. At Newlands Melck invited Gems and I round to his house to meet his wife and 3 children. We bought some sodas for them and sat in their tiny but lovely mud brick house and looked at their wedding photos! They gave us 3 eggs their turkey had laid, as a gift. I gave Melck and Shadrack and Mr George a picture of them I had printed out and some money which wasn't much to us but was more than a days wages for them. Went down to the new footy pitch for a game with the orphans and, of course, about 30 local kids! Said our goodbyes for the last time to everyone at the orphanage and at mvuleni - got wet eyes. To celebrate ours and Nicks last nights the whole hoff gang went out to Glacier bar and La Liga club. Lots of drinking and dancing before raiding the fridge before bed at 5am!


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