Blogs from Arusha, North, Tanzania, Africa - page 54


Africa » Tanzania » North » Arusha May 25th 2007

week 2 has been busy. Stephanie (co teacher) and i are starting to figure out the kids. african kids are pretty rambunctious, lots of hitting and crying, not a timid bunch. we've taught them a few songs, they really like the Hokie Pokie, it keeps their attention for at least 10 minutes! yay! the other big winners are Bubbles, that lasted about 20 minutes! and books as well, they don't have many books here, so they really enjoy sitting down and looking at them, a nice break for Mwalimu ( teacher). although they all want your attention to watch them count things in the books.... it's fun, although tiring somedays. Sometimes it's frustrating not being able to understand them, but we are lucky to have Douglas to translate for us. Today i taught an art project, ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Arusha May 18th 2007

hey everyone. i just got home from school, it was a good day. our co-teacher, Douglas (he is the son of the family who runs the school) gave us a CD of his bongo flavour music. It's like swahili rap, the boys are really into music and have a small recording studio beside the school. it's nice because they work on the music and we can hear it outside so we dance with the kids. funny! i'm sitting at the little 1 computer internet shop beside our house. looking out the window i can see men working in a coffee field, and a goat that got loose and is eating the flowers outside the window!!! at our school the family owns chickens, ducks, and turkeys. there is a huge turkey they are saving for Krismas, but ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Arusha May 17th 2007

And we're Day 5 of 43 of the tour! Whee.. Currently, in Arusha, Tanzania.. a town that acts as a base for those who wants to climb kilimanjaro and do the national parks in north tanzania.. Spent US$340 to do the Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Crater option for the past 3 days.. I must say the experience have been great.. Worth or not worth the money? I'd say game parks are expensive in East Africa.. so if you want to experience it.. you have to pay for it.. didn't really think about the question of worth or not worth anymore.. Serengeti is a wide wide plains.. with sceneries that so typicalize (spelling? word?) "Africa".. actually i resent that plains and a single Acacia tree sort of symbolizes Africa.. cos Africa is so much more ... read more
Hawkers hawking their wares to the muzungus (white people) on the trucks
The town of Arusha

Africa » Tanzania » North » Arusha May 16th 2007

Yesterday we started our volunteer placements. Another girl from Vancouver is also placed at my school. The school is very small, it is one building with 2 rooms, it's made out of cement with a tin roof. the kids sit on benches around the perimeter of the clasroom and there is a chalkboard and a desk at the front for the teacher. it's very basic, but the kids are very sweet and eager. yesterday we worked on writing and today we did math and good behaviour. there are about 25 kids, between the ages of 4-6, they are really cute. they all fight to hold our hands and be next to us. today we also went into the market, which was insane! it's very crazy, tonnes of people, selling everything, lots of vegetable stands, clothes, shoes, ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Arusha May 14th 2007

hey everyone. here i am in Tanzania! things are going well. the flights were long but good. i slept through most of the both MIN- AMST- and AMST- KILI. we arrived at 10 pm saturday night, it was rainy and humid. it is actually very tropical here, very green and lush with lots of banana plants around. it has rained at night but clears up during the days, although everything is very muddy. i have already scrubbed my new shoes in a bucket!! speaking of buckets, they seem to be very useful here! the shower is a normal shower but the water pressure is lacking so we use a buket to collect the water and then dump it over our head, or scoop out of the big bucket with a little one!! the water is somewhat ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Arusha May 12th 2007

On the 15-hour train ride (with our own beds!) back to Nairobi (we weren't too keen to get back on that bus) we decided to go and climb Mt Meru, the fourth highest mountain in Africa! Spending as less time as we could in Nairobi, we caught a bus the next day and headed down to Tanzania. Tanzania is really nice (nicer than Kenya), the people are so friendly, their Swahili is alot better and everything is so cheap! Even the daladalas (minibuses) were alot nicer than our matatus. We spent 3 days in a really cute town called Moshi, and by the end of our first day everyone knew who we were, and we were constantly asked "have you climbed mt meru yet?" by total strangers. We spent the first day hiking through some ... read more
Ricci drinking banana beer
Fig Tree Arch
on the way up

Africa » Tanzania » North » Arusha May 10th 2007

Monduli is a small town about a 30 minute drive from Arusha. Anothy and Shasta have been working with the congregation there, strengthening the brethren and conducting Bible studies. Last week, they broke ground on a church building. Up to this point, the Christians in Monduli have been worshipping in a member's house. John, the kids, and I went today to see how the building is coming along. When we got there, the men were working on finishing up the foundation. We all pitched in to help level out the piles of dirt. Daniel loved helping to move the dirt around. He kept saying, "This sure is hard work!!" :) ... read more
Building a Church
The Kids Playing

Africa » Tanzania » North » Arusha May 5th 2007

Now that the dust has settled and I have well and truly integrated into the African way of life (pole pole - translated as slowly slowly); I have reached the conclusion that it will take a lot of time to make any sort of impact at my volunteer placement. On a daily basis the three volunteers at my placement (the Tumaini Positive Test Centre - undertake a mixture of activities such as teaching at the day care and attending sick members at their homes. The past few weeks’ activities have been unstructured and seemingly directionless, so I called a meeting last week between our placement organisers, the three volunteers and an interpreter. I think the TUPO organisers were initially aghast at the thought of plodding through my three page agenda, but we made some ... read more
Zebra at Ngorongoro Crater
Suzie with Ngorongoro Crater in background
Spot the monkeys...

Africa » Tanzania » North » Arusha May 1st 2007

Ok … I’ll admit …. It’s been a while. So sorry for that. We have been busy as bees. So, let me get you caught up! The first of the month we were at language school. We were there for 3 LONG weeks!! It seemed longer than it really was. It’s been a while since we have been in school so sitting in a class room getting called on to go to the board or speak out in class took some getting use to. Now, I will say that it helped Anthony in a way that some of you men folk will appreciate, in that I was forced to talk … not that I really needed an excuse of course! Now, what is good about that, is that according to Anthony from some statistic he read ... read more
Waxing the fabric
Removing the Wax

Africa » Tanzania » North » Arusha April 24th 2007

Just a quick one to let you know that we drew two all in the match yesterday. It may well have helped that we had two national Tanzanian team members playing for us! It was quite an experience. I don't think I will ever get to play in a stadium again. I played in defence so managed to last the duration! I hope you are all keeping well.... read more
Our Fifa Referee!
Me with our goalie
The opposition

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